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Posts posted by justaname

  1. how the fuck do you get over them?

    im struggling big time and its been a while now....


    how the fuck can you get over the woman whose been your whole life for as long as you can remember????????


    and no stupid answers please....leave the 120z retardedness behind for a second pleae/


    damn what happened? i always see you as one of those not giving a fuck about anything. i would say it's going to take sometime, don't be to hard on yourself dude. just try to be cool with it and don't try to do any stupid shit to figure out if she's thinking about you or not.



    you would think the $$$ from casinos would go to help their own people, but the alcoholism, and even meth use, among 'native americans' is ridiculously astounding. i dont want to cite the wronf number, its extremely high. plus, the living conditions on many of the reservation sis byond shit. the us govt. put homes out there in the 1970s as a part of some plan, and the things turned to shit shortly thereafter bc they were shit. its very similar to the trailers that were supposed to go new orlean after the katrina disaster, but instead sunk into the mud in mississippi where they were being stored. there was also chemical problems associated with the trailers and they had to be decontaminated. guess where those trailers were sent, to indian reservations aroun dthe country.

    we took their land, and are still fucking them any which way but loose. [i just wanted to throw that movie reference in there.]


    i live around natives and a lot of my friends are natives. what you said are pretty true what you said but where im from, i don't think it is as bad as katrina. at least around here, the tribe just don't know how to manage its resource and govern its own people. i saw the news about this shoes just like an hour ago, it was pretty stupid. Make a shoes to fit natives foot print will help them be in better shape or just make it that much more comfortable to walk down the block to get a ball?

  3. T#3 1NTURN3TZ!!!!

    seriously, you guys seen an episode where this dude just fucking fainted and dove straight into the counter? dude was like ninja trying to get away. ok back to regular programing.

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