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space base

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Everything posted by space base

  1. I think this smokeless tobacco might've made me addicted to nicotine.
  2. http://www.rotten.com/library/imagery/subliminal/advertising/negotiator/negotiator.jpg'> The Negotiator Starring Samuel L. Jackson and Kevin Spacey. Together, our heros form the hot dog and donut motif, in which Mr. Jackson sports in his left hand a phallic pistol while Mr. Spacey arranges his thumb and forefinger to resemble a vagina. Equally offensive is the word "nego" positioned over Jackson.
  3. Im gonna eat someting then Im gonna take a dip.
  4. Oh yeah, and word on Iron Maiden. I used to be obsessed with Iron Maiden. My moms ex-boyfreind was this 80's metal guy and he had all kinds of cool records and tapes. I need to holler at him.
  5. I found an unopened pack of Marlboros when i was walking at the beach the other day, I like dips alot better though.
  6. and the blue is because I have this cool ocean theme. When I open up program theres like this dolphin chirping and when things are loading my mouse either turns to a scuberdiver or starfish.
  7. Does everyone get that 12 stop sign thing. I just started getting it. All other sites just have a blue e. Its only on the channel zero front page too.
  8. What does this mean? http://img.villagephotos.com/p/2003-8/349839/what.jpg'>
  9. it cuts glass super good, you can get em real deep. for a big window or something though, i just use a rock. or sandpaper.. or etch.
  10. I have court in 4 hours. I haven't even slept. Lately I've only been sleeping every other day.
  11. At first when I was the only one riding with Hans, I felt like an outcast.
  12. Indiana Jones is probablymore thuggish. But, what do you think would happen if they fought? Hans Solo would just blast him with his super hitech weaponry. Look at their posses too. Hans has chewbacca, luke skywalker, the robots; who does Idiana Jnes have? his dad from the 3rd one? Indiana Jones would get straight sonned.
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