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  1. ^^^ nobodies gonna read all that caps locked versed bullshit



    and immortal technique? hes iiight


    "ice ice baby/

    ice ice baby/

    check out the beat while my dj revolves it/

    ice ice baby/"

  2. i swear, if i was a witness to a crime, i wouldnt know a damned thing about giving a description of the criminal, id be like, ummm, he was white, and about my height, i dont remember if he was my height actually, i dont know his hair color either, he was just like a white guy, a regular ass white guy, i couldnt pick him out from a line up either. im bad when it comes to taking good looks at people i dont know. very bad. so you can rob me today, and come backt o me a month later and be my friend.as amatter of fact, i still suspect a dominican guy of robbing me and then working with me in the same place about a year or two later, i swear it was him, but since all dominicans look alike too, shit, i wouldnt know.

  3. same to me. whats the deal with that? why do all white girls look alike, and all asian guys look alike, and all blacks look alike, and all indians look alike, and all hispanics look alike, and all arabs look alike, i mean, its way more serious when it comes down to white people and black people and asian people and indian people, those four people always look exatly alike. i swear i could look at porn with a white girl in it, and jack off, then go out and that same girl could be the bartender and i wouldnt catch on, i only assume that all white girls do porn. and asians too. fuckin sluts.







  4. this slut halloween thing went full effect halloween 2002, it was already in the process before that, with half the bitches dressed like sluts, but now its all the bitches dressing like sluts. its like a phenomena. its like a competition on who can dress the sluttiest. there will be a million cheerleaders, catholic schoolgirls, nurses, lingerie models, angels,and devils this year, guaranteed.i personally am too cool for a costume, so therefore im too cool for the bitches dressing slutty, so thereforem u dont give a fuck about this shit.


    makros is jealous of spinning rims and slutty dressing bitches.


    so am i. i wish i had slutty bitches in my apartment right now, and i wish i had spinning rims on my car too.

  5. Id fuck the shit out of the big woman, then leave her after about a month, then get a gun for self defense, then still talk to her on the phone but only if she calls, then invite her over one day and fuck her again, then just keep her around like a fuck buddy, even though she would be back with her old boyfirend, the one i took her from, the one she says wouldnt hurt a fly, but he did break my car windows and i almost got jumped turning a corner, but thats all good, cause i gave the bitch herpes, but she gave me warts, but she also swallows, so that was for some good memories.her pussy stank like fucking shit its unbelievable how bad it stank. it was enought o make a reasonable prudent person throw up. guns down for stinky pussy, guns down for fat bitches. peace to yuour daughter and your new born son. respect.

  6. i just recently brought the bottleg (three days ago) but came homr to smashed these past three days to watch it so hopefully i'll watchin it with in these next few days

  7. i just got over one i couldnt walk without a cane it was so bad.but now im in more pain i its because og swollen glands but everytime i turn my head to the right or left side or shake my head up or down i get a driving sharp pain on my left side of my neck and shoulder.i need some vics and a six pack to relax but unable to walk up to the store hahaha..i have to wait before i can get them so im stuck for now but does any one know what this neck pain is?

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