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Everything posted by Stomah

  1. Thanks Homie. here is another. http://www.fotango.com/p/eba00354012f00000041.jpg'>
  2. That is a dope ass sticker, i had that picture on my background for a while. I want one!
  3. Two new postals, and some character stickers I made http://www.fotango.com/p/eba00354012f00000040.jpg'> http://www.fotango.com/p/eba00354012f00000039.jpg'> http://www.fotango.com/p/eba00354012f00000038.jpg'>
  4. Small sticker I made out of some extra sticker paper. http://www.fotango.com/p/eba00354012f00000037.jpg'> Just screwin around
  5. Very nice. I like your cash sticker.
  6. Silent J, I don't know if that Email button thing worked. So Email me at kylo426@aol and we will make a deal.
  7. Yea, I like thems a lot. Biek, Email me if you want to trade. kylo426@aol.com
  8. Silent J5 Whatever happened to those Johnny Cash stickers? You still making them? cause i still want one.
  9. Two new ones. http://www.fotango.com/p/eba00354012f00000032.jpg'> http://www.fotango.com/p/eba00354012f00000031.jpg'> Anyone down to trade email me at Kylo426@aol.com
  10. ^^^^Those are real nice. I like em a lot.
  11. Nice work with the simple letters
  12. That first postal on the bottom row is hot. You should make more with his teeth showing. he looks awsome.
  13. Apoc, i like those stickers, very nice!
  14. I would REALLY like one of those cash stikers. those are really great. i just walked into the post office and grab all of my stickers......i got somewhere near 200
  15. I am broke now, so I have no money for canvas and the materials to make them. So what kind of cardboard do you guys use on those paintings. Anything, like popboxes, or does it have to be thicker for better quality?
  16. I kinda like it. It just seems like there should be more to it. got any others?
  17. I don't know if this has been posted before. but has everyone heard of www.stickerswitch.com ? It's a pretty cool idea.
  18. I never got my stickers from you either. you said the postage was wrong or something. and they never showed up....
  19. Yea. I made it a few months ago.
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