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Everything posted by RATT

  1. I've got some, I'll get to work. I do have a ton of Gimers though...along with some video footage that one day I'll finish editing.
  2. Wow, your going to make me head to the shoe boxes for some of these. This might take a little time... I don't have a ton of older stuff, I wasn't really traveling around much until 2002-2003, but I'll see what I can dig up.
  3. Oooh, Yakima. Sorry, nope, one of the few places I've never ventured to.
  4. So I've got something like 8,000 photos from Bellingham, Seattle, and Portland - and randomness in between. Any requests?
  5. Wow, that Tower throw is one of the worst bites I might have ever seen. Ripping off the homie's style AND 4 of his 5 letters is a bit excessive.
  6. Also, Read More isn't Herman...though they are crew.
  7. It's all about key lime! Old or new system. Am I the only one who rolls with key lime caps on key lime cans? ...the cap works pretty well. Better than the Rusto fats did. Kroger butter cooking spray (I digress, its actually a yellow cap).
  8. With out giving away too much information - truth be told, at least one of those names is a different writer, and buzzards is a small crew.
  9. None of those pictures are from Seattle...and Read More isn't from Seattle. Cool dude though, who's put in a ton of work.
  10. ...some hands needless to say, this guy was not whisteling while he worked...but he was being very vocal about it.
  11. Here is something...many many more to come.
  12. Anyone get flicks of the die4 wwl and ? on the expressway by 45th? Was dope, but it didn't last long. Maybe if more than one freeway spot got hit per month things would last longer.
  13. So, here is the rest of the stuff on that rooftop. I was just looking, and I have 1,600 photos from the last year. Any requests, theres just no way I'm trying to post them all.
  14. Assuming you were asking about this one? Solar, and a cruks throw. Theres also a Cruks piece up there.
  15. Ha, Ruets came through? Met that cat under a freeway in San Diego a few years back. Seemed like a pretty chill dude, bought some film for his camera off me. Then he went back to taking care of some beef for the homie. Also met Keger from up here, while I was painting in San Diego under a different bridge. ...random...
  16. This crowd seems to like to mess with peoples photos, so I though this might be relevant. http://ibubble.com Pretty dope little widget to make fun of friends (or people in general) with. I'd post some but its all flash, and as far as I know you can't use embed or object tags in this forum. Lets you add text bubbles to photos, as well as add decorators like hats and mustaches, or wrap themes around you image. Then you can email the finished product to yourself or others. And upon viewing, you can use the provided embed code to post on myspace or wherever the hell else lets you embed flash.
  17. Stolen from the thread of our brothers up North.
  18. RATT


    Thats the cleanest use of that technique that I've ever seen. Props.
  19. Re: Don't Call it Frisco Ha, seems like theres a "cake" in every city, kind of like "shoe", I think every thread on here has a different kid writing "shoe" in their city. Used to be "jerk".
  20. Actually it was directly related to message boards, though I don't believe this article has all of its facts straight, the details of how he actually got taken into custody up here don't matter. The article also doesn't talk about how the cop found out who Gkae was in the first place, which was also because of kids talking on the internet: Officer Randy Campbell of the California Highway Patrol had tried the usual means of catching a criminal before turning to the Net. The breakthrough came when Campbell discovered that many taggers set up Web sites to display pictures of their graffiti. The Net helped Campbell figure out where to find **********. Through a newsgroup for graffiti artists, Campbell learned that ********** had moved on to Seattle, and he notified the police there. Soon the Seattle cops started noticing G.K.A.E.-signed scrawlings. A lucky beat officer in his squad car caught ********** red-handed at a wall, spray paint in hand, signing his moniker to his artwork on a wooden fence at a construction site. Campbell filed for extradition and handed over the downloaded evidence to prosecutors. *********** was convicted of felony vandalism. So basically, watch what you say on here about other writers or yourself. It can and will help the police out.
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