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Posts posted by rainbostikuh



    has this been said?

    probably overly pressured by his parents to become successful,

    went to college not really knwiong what he wanted to do,

    but maybe under the command of his parents,

    couldnt take the pressure and went nuts.


    thats me...i moved out.....









    damn, this nigga's face is greasy and oily as hell.


    nigga needs to be like diddy and use proactiv







    "i use proactiv, because it helps moisturize my situation and preserve my sexy."


    yo! i looked at that photo and before i even read your post, i was like dude needs some proactiv shit or something...im laughin...if jessica simpson was dating this fool he'de be gettin fucked and his skin would look aiight and he wouldnt have shot noone...if i was friends with him, i'de tell em to take it easy on the hair spray and gels...that shit sweats onto your face after a while...



    on the really real, expect this kind of shit to happen again...i dont find it hard to believe that back in the good old days that a fool could walk into a pub and unleash his wrath on random people with his trusty sword...yeah, the random medieval nut caught some bodies, but not as many as this kid (cant wait to hear someone saying hes gonna catch more than this new guy)..most people are unarmed nowadays...most dont stand a chance against the new threat...this is why our Government has so much control, you cant do shit about it...the threat and advantage to our society is technology...noone wants to give it up...so pay the cost to the boss...if ou dont want to fear getting shot in school go dance with the wolves...join some caribu or some buffalo...separate...but as long as your here, be good to people...

    the point im trying to make is that technology is advancing...and with that, the psychos are advancing...theres nothing society can do about it...more people, more dead...get fucking used to it...its a shallow comment, i know, im sorry to the people who have lost friends and family...but theres nothing we can do about it...its a random act of violence...and this kind of shit will continue...if you dont think so, whats the solution then????

    every solution can be counteracted...media???not the problem???guns???not the problem???FUCKING HUMAN NATURE???yeah.......thats the issue.....

    when Columbine happened i was like, "yall shouldnt have fucked with these guys." "why did you have to pick on em." and i only saw the report for about 30 seconds...i wasnt surprised...i remember that day better than 7-11...the shit is inevitable...techmology can and will probably kill you...

    good luck.



    i havent read the whole thread but i feel the need to post something on the topic of the right to bare arms...here goes...if somebody wants to shave their arms because they have a tattoo, thats fine by me...cuz after you shave the arm an lube it up with your girls victoria secret lotion, you kind of smell like a gay, but you got a tattoo so that makes you a man...but if your just shaving your arms for any other reason than that, it means your a gay...im cool with a little manscaping of the chest, just to trim it up...but if you shave your chest all the way down, that too also means your a gay...and if ya got a hairy back, well i dont know what to tell ya other than its okay to cry...


    if the government and or military ever decides to control our population with military force we (the people without guns) are going to be shit out of luck, cuz i havent seen one person on myspace with a gun...in countries where there are positive revolutions, which still occur in this world from time to time, having the right to shave your arms is important to preserving your freedom as an individual...US government gave its citizens this right so they could shoot the bad guys those rich pussy fore fathers couldnt muster up the will to do themselves...the way we forced to see militia groups nowadays is the same way the british imperials looked upon the revolutionaries...the imperial media did a good job of making them look like crazies too...guns arent the issue...

    if prostitution was legal, im sure this dude probably would have spent his money on pussy rather that on some guns...no joke...personally, when im stressed the fuck out and feel like destroying something all i need is some good lovin to take the edge off...after that life is peachy...

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