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Everything posted by GOTone

  1. GOTone


    OUIJA tight shit HAL, DAZE, ANT and I can see that NOMAQ developing into something nice. Did you (nomaq) just come up with that? here's some stuff.... oneliner. (yeah, yeah, technicly 3 including vertical tiks.) http://www.fatcap.co.uk/host/files/toss.jpg'> hollow. What else, when you only got less than half a can? Definitely not flik worthy but.......what the hell? Fuckin' buffers...:mad: .........more.:idea:
  2. GOTone


    good thread... Nice BLEND and HECZ stuff. Applesauce gettin' better. (by the way, HECZ, I'm floatin' your book out by Friday morning along with some stickies. sorry about the delay) Here's some shits.... http://www.noquestionmultimedia.com/st5.jpg'> http://www.noquestionmultimedia.com/st3.jpg'> I need to work on my hand.... http://www.noquestionmultimedia.com/st4.jpg'> http://www.noquestionmultimedia.com/st2.jpg'> http://www.noquestionmultimedia.com/st1.jpg'> fun with metalic ink. The last 2 are more straight letter style but WTF? Post up peep's, Let's see more.....
  3. The only thing I see wrong with this is that whatever you had underneath it bled through when you colored it. I'd say you got your hand down too. keep up the good work!
  4. GOTone


    BUMP! ....just caught this PRAE/POKE roller bomb off C@#%agie on my way home from the Shell station. big as f*ck! http://www.noquestionmultimedia.com/PraePoke1.jpg'> Inner City destruction. .........good work men..... stay-up!
  5. GOTone


    WYS/BHS/FGS holdin' it down. .....tight flicks and work ARIZE.....I ain't been to the chill spots or lines in awhile but I been catchin more bombs by crews on mainstreets and billies. hell yeah:cool: I can't see your flicks SENO but I'm checkin' back later to see when you get that photoserver problem resolved. later.............
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