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Everything posted by InnerCityRebel

  1. no work until tuesday boys and girls..Let's get this party started..Anyone care to paint?
  2. welll tonight's KB theme song should be Saturday Night by Schoolly D.If you don't know download it and listen.It's and oldie but a goodie..KnightBats fly tight
  3. Batklops is from Lost Angels ,Cali.. Oh yeah he is also wayyyy to drunk right now..
  4. damn i haven't seen this thread in awhile
  5. I guess i didn't hit any vital organs when i stabbed him..But it sure is a nice scar
  6. by that do you mean we have a date slave_one??please say yes.Let's make it a painting date..:idea:
  7. any fellow Knightbats live in Cinn,Ohio?If not are any KB's going to Scribble Jam.This Knightbats needs a place to stay when i roll out..Oh yeah this is my 2500 post..
  8. KB in the house peeps..damn am i drunk.i just got back from a killer party with lots of fine women and almost got in a crew fight.Nothing better then that..KnightBats Bitch!!!!!!
  9. Hey When i will be in Vegas nEXT WEEKEND.wHEN ARE YA GOING?Damn caps lock button.Anyways hit me up if your gonna be out there the weekend of the 28,29 and 30th.
  10. Scenic you got to hook one of those up for a west coast roller..
  11. hmm i am bored so here ya go.. o.g. Dolenut http://www.digitalpose.com/mbr/1/16528/p/502728_6418104196813234949_vl.jpg'> http://www.digitalpose.com/mbr/1/16528/p/502726_3120407156374351846_vl.jpg'> http://www.digitalpose.com/mbr/1/16528/p/502723_5538815978287320707_vl.jpg'> http://www.digitalpose.com/mbr/1/16528/p/502725_6321999647885068043_vl.jpg'> http://www.digitalpose.com/mbr/1/16528/p/502729_4578754163275364014_vl.jpg'> Not really feeling the last one at all..:(
  12. Re: LOSERS Dem iz fresh..i hope da Loser hook me up when i send that Hamm's beer car up:clown2:
  13. dEM BE SOME HOT TRAIN Eggman
  14. Here is some new shit that rolled in..the last one rolled out last night though to a new yard.. http://www.digitalpose.com/mbr/1/16528/p/359791_6051929139877884092_vl.jpg'> http://www.digitalpose.com/mbr/1/16528/p/376032_6116012678303323918_vl.jpg'> http://www.digitalpose.com/mbr/1/16528/p/376031_8468238551755924940_vl.jpg'> that's all folks
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