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Posts posted by soneMILWwi

  1. Here is a full sheet of 20 stamps that I had custom made of one of my favorite JERSEY JOE art works. I have yet to use any of the stamps yet since most of my bills are now e-filed, but when I am ready for some damn snail mail I will be ready with my mother F-in Rime stamps. Boo Yaa. yadda yadda yadda...




  2. I heard they have a kennel full of little helper monkies to shake theor cans, climb up high and hit the un reachable spots and also to eat the vegetables left on their plates at dinner time that they cant get away with hiding.But then again this is all hearsay, you know how peeps be talkin.Like George Castanza yadda, yadda,yadda...

  3. Whats the deal with that BREWERY AERIAL photo that wass posted a few flixs back? Is that going to be a new building project about to break ground in Milwaukee or is it just some random photo that someone posted to attempt to be cool/funny. Anyone wit info on that photo and its possible loaction if its true please feel free to private message me as I would likw to know some info about it. Please and thank you!!!

  4. Anybody have zoks real and correct jail mailing address?o jokes about this and that. a writable addresss for some penpal action. pm me if ya do, all stupid jokes just keep to yourself and dont waste anyones times. over and out...

  5. UTAH and ETHER crushing like crazy!!! that ether piece with the "R" going from the wall to the sidewalk to the curb dripping into the street is FRESH ta death!!! that view of the city scape in the background aint bad to look at either!!!

  6. Anyone interested in purchasing an art projector or a light box. both things are brand new.


    the projector is artograph prism brand and can be used to enlarge drawings up to 20x for murals or giant canvasses, or you can reduce bigger photos to make them thangs tiny to trace and paint...


    the light box is also artograph elite brand and is used mostly to take ruff sketches and put a clean piece of paper over it and trace it out to make your work CLEAN, you seen them used in tattoo shops alot when it comes to taking tattoo sketches and tracing out the stencil of the tattoo. that way you ensure that it is traced super clean!!!


    anyone interested shoot me a PM. I know a few of you art dudes out there could use some new toys for your ever growing art studios!!! or buy them for a graffiti gift for your favorite crew mates birthday!!! no homo, just do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Looks like reyes straight crushed all through out the mid-west. I have a few flicks of his bangers that he layed out here in Milwaukee. They still are on my camera but I will get to it later on tonight or as early as tomorrow.

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