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Posts posted by LEE_VING

  1. hahahhahahahahaha!!!!


    pre-masonic, post-industrial, rustbelt-based elk lodge for distinguished men of a certain age who practice the nickname applique kraft in varying degrees of intensity


    "garr, shiver me timberlands" - Spaed, club co-founder




    A drinking crew with a graff problem!!!!


    bump bump bump it up!!

  2. Holy. Shit.


    I have to hook this guy up with original flicks. Even though they were bad night time shots, it's the least I can do.


    That was a fun night in Morrell Park!!! Nationwide representation on one car, you don't see it happening as much anymore.


    Necs Con Krude Japan Apart Ono

  3. This is pretty much what um saying, good call.


    And to quote a great man I know, "keepin it real is a full time job!"





    Dude talks all tough but he damn sure wouldn't want to go to the clink for 1-3 on a fucking misdemeanor charge.

    Only an idiot would like to get locked up or think it's fucking cool that his homey is "keepin it real bro".

    I wouldn't want the shit to be legal and any herb who felt like it would paint, but 1-3 in a commonwealth state over graffiti is bullshit.


    The fact is graffiti don't hurt shit and really, it damages nothing, shit might even make a train rust slower with another coat of paint on it.

    Your average Joe don't get it why anyone would do something for free and would rather have a billboard promoting alcohol facing their kids school.

    While motherfuckers do worse shit get and just probation because the system is too full, politicians get votes for bullshit like this looking like their "tough on crime".


    The fact is that bed that's being wasted keeping someone locked up to get votes is retarded.

    It could have been used to keep a kiddie fucker or rich fuck that conned grandma out of her retirement locked up.

    You have every right to be pissed about this and should be when bullshit like this goes down, the system is fucked and this shows it.


    Respect to anyone still keeping it going today, this shit will never die and proof like this shows how fucked the system is and only makes more of us.

  4. STOP FUCKING WHINING!!! Graff is illegal. You know that going into the game. No one is gonna cut you a break cause all the sudden you decided to say "fuck you" to Mommy and Daddy and start rebelling. I love how someone's a "tortured artist" when they get caught. And let me be clear I SUPPORT HERT, but all this the "man is keeping him down" shit has to go. Dude's an ill fucking bomber who got caught. Bottom line. If you don't like going to jail then STOP WRITING GRAFFITI. You sound like a bunch of spoiled fucking kids. You want the cred for painting but don't want to assume any responsibility for the risks involved. This is how it is. If you don't like it, then find a new hobby.


    True, but their has got to be a line drawn for excessive punishment. Rapists, Dealers and Child Molesters get less time.

  5. Haha! ok, now you done gone and got me to post on here, it's been more than a minute. 12 oz is here for us to check graff. If you are beefing on here you are dry snitching, plain and simple. Handle your biz where it needs to be handled, that is not here! If you didn't know, now you know!

  6. PRE_01.jpg



    wow that has seen better days..is that still running???




    heres a rarely seen Crispo from the archives..enjoy



  7. i like guys like emit.he doesnt put in massive amounts of work anymore,but when he takes the time to go paint.he drops the heat.i useed to think quantity was more important.just #'s and #'s the more work out there the better.but now as i get close to 14 years in the game,i see that quality is more important than anything else.if im gonna use my paint and time to got rock trains then it better be worth it.i'm not gonna just put up some quick shit.i'd rather rock a nice piece and do a bunch of fillins with the scraps.cause doin fillins will never get boring.ever.



    Get his balls off your chin. Fourteen years? let's see a flick from 94 on a train from you. Everytime you post on here you offer your two cents like you know something. Well you don't! Quality? You are a two can tinker toy, that runs his mouth alot on the internet and never on the steel. Post your opinions in another ten years, when you reall have 14, player.

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