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Wink ONE

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Posts posted by Wink ONE

  1. Eh, it's more of a personal preferance there. With straights, I happen to like rounded, but some people

    pull off straight edge pretty well, too.

    I suggest trying both, getting good at both, just don't mix them.

  2. You just ignored everything that was provided by Leader, Flayed, and myself.


    Don't round out your letters like that yet, keep them relatively straight and overlap them.


    Overlapping shouldn't be where you only see part of a letter- you should be able to see the majority of it. (Which you did successfully)


    About the piece itself- make your "1" look like a "1"- that flacid penis replica won't cut it.

    "2" and "Z" look the same, make the "Z" cut harder on the edges.

    Go back and do the bar method on "Prophet", whilst overlapping.

  3. Scrib:


    Like Milton said, there needs to be some fluidity to your letters, which you've got.


    Post a fresh piece of yours, trying to overlap as best as you know how, and we'll go from there.

  4. Scribbler:


    You made it seem you want to get better, so, I'll help more.


    Get your letters proportional (Same width/height). That means every bar (See IBCs example) is the same size as every other bar.




    1. Don't be afraid to erase. There should be many more marks than there are.

    2. Don't overlap your letters yet- there's a method to linking/overlapping your letters that you're not ready for yet.




    1. Keep resketching your name over and over.

    2. Get a good selection of fonts to copy (sans serif preferably)

    3. Do a page or so of the whole alphabet in simples- you can never understand letters enough.

  5. Stop twisting your letters, make them straight up and down- copy this exactly and then redraw it, and redraw it..just when you're sick of it- redraw it again:




    you need to get an idea of what goes into a letter before you can start contorting them.


    Also: Don't do any 3d yet, you don't understand that yet, either.

  6. Haha..pen15 crew.


    Heck- do real quick, short strokes for your letters at the moment, or you'll get unnecessary kinks/bubbly spots in your letters like the "E" and "K" in the top picture. Do it in pencil, and never be afraid to erase.


    Fix up your hand while you're at it...I've saw people make decent pieces out of copying their hand when it's legible. However, just stick to the fonts idea.

  7. The only thing that I could say against that second AMET piece, is how your "T" has two bars for a bottom, I'd get rid of the top one and let the extension of the "E" complete the "T"s bar. Nice stuff, though.

  8. Ekso, I'm with Cruel on this. Honestly, all your sketches either haven't changed much in look, or haven't got any better over the time you've been posting. If you went simple from the first time someone told you to do so on here, you'd be able to pull off the pieces that you're striving for much more efficiently.


    Go real simple, no colors. You're putting too much effort into your color schemes and ideas in hopes it improves your letter structure, which it only hinders most of the time.

  9. Kyne, your 3d is horrible. Pick one invisible spot in your piece that all your 3d leads to, don't have it wherever you think it looks good, yanno? Plus, lose that little extension shit on the top bar of your "E".

  10. Originally posted by isor357@May 14 2005, 11:14 PM

    mc serch has been out my way for quite some time. Tipped me 20 to park his car a year back. Who the fuck is this guy? I think he was the hype man at the Nas show. Annoying fuck... I couldnt figure out who he was until it clicked. When i saw him at Nas all i could think is: What a herb... I was almost embarassed for his ass. He just stood up there and talked and then spit a short verse. It was fleeting, im curious if anybody knows anything about his ass. I listen to his radio show on my way to work. He was talking about how is dad was big on wall street and he just seems out of place.


    MC Serch is actually pretty good. He used to be down with MF Doom back when they were 3rd Base. Every once in awhile you'll hear him on the Wake Up Show freestyling, gets repetitive, but, it's whatever.

  11. Ekso, I realize you're trying to get into the piecing game and be good- but go at it slow. Go back to straight letters and real simple styles until you grasp the fundamentals of piecing (Connections, overlaps, 3d, etc.). The stuff you're putting down now is just a tiny revamp of your last post.


    You'll get better a lot quicker if you heed my advice.

  12. Segway, that looks a lot better than the first one you posted. Keep away from the color, you don't want it taking away from your piece. Keep simple, too- I only suggest getting rid of the little leg thing that points up on the "K".

  13. Beelkae...your hand is pretty nice, especially the "N". However, work on that throw (Yeh, I know Philly isn't big on throws). Stop your R from combining with your F, it looks like one big slop.


    JimBand...your first bit was alright..it's got potential, but that other shit must go.

  14. Hahaha...today I was looking at her all nekkid and stuff. I thought to myself, hell- I'd hit it...Thank you for ruining that.
































    Wait..on second thought, fuck it. I'd hit it.

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