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Everything posted by scene1

  1. SHIT SHIT SHIT i forgot about this sorry
  2. SOCKS IS NOT BEING VOTED YET Quoted post [/b] my bad was abit stoned
  3. queazy for socks Ebaddestofthemall for blaze
  4. i thought the RUST battle was a throwie?
  5. never mind just noticed the socks battle is closed but im down for RUST
  6. im in if thats cool and can i get in on the socks battle aswell? whats the rules?
  7. i've been tryin to find that out for a LONG time man aint no1 gonna tell you on here trust me i've tried and many other forums just 1 of those things people arent willin to let every1 know about
  8. queezyfunk or whatever his name is (sorry) for caveman
  9. scene1


    i dunno how people can say "no1 writes my name" cos A) you write it so some1 does and B) have you went round the entire world and looked at every single handstle dub piece throw-up? NO so chances are there will be some1 else out there with the same name as you even if they are just a toy
  10. selotape it and glue it into position
  11. this is a damn pittyful paint stock
  12. i was thinkin the exact same thing
  13. i would of voted for queezyfunk for the queen battle but its not a 1-liner so my vote goes to hemp
  14. DTEST=cipreses DYNAMO=rester ALBUM=xipe FRAME=dts HEAVY=able SINS=sausecake
  15. hahaha captin caveman rules i use to love watchin that shit when i was younger but that lass with the squeeky voice pissed me off CAPPPPTTIIINNNN CCCAAAAAAVVVVVVVEEEEEEEMMMMMMAAAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!
  16. scene1


    thats coversall ruff black lol thanx anyways
  17. im guessin it'll be a throw a 1 liner piece would be hard as fuck
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