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Everything posted by fr8yardjunky

  1. i got a flic of that nace & met tpix when it was fresh nice to see it still runnin
  2. im glad i dont have to deal with snow ,now just insane rail cop
  3. oh yeah they also come with a cap a little bigger than a ny thin . same spray pattern
  4. ^^^^^you gotta be kiding im pretty sure if the can had a hole in the top before that would classify as female .now having a stem would be male .
  5. ^^^^^^ french country blue was a really good color i dont know what happen to it . for all the others that say valspar is to thin, try the satin plenty of pigment.even montanas are thin when when using yellows in gloss
  6. the disapointment of rusto aa and pt changing from female to male has limited my purchases at lowes and homedepot for paint . now thats all changed cause lowes just redid the paint isle and tossed all aa and pc for valspar .which ive naerly always used but they were limited on colors ,but now they stepped up there colors and kept the female can. thank you valspar
  7. scupe page2 gs floats crash colt45/gs colt/chisme pg3 siner mazer c45 pg4 smash globe x2 gs rumor crash x2 c45x2 wh siner chisme :scrambled:
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