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the shitz

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Posts posted by the shitz

  1. last time i was there i went with my cousin and his friend.


    we went to the main camping area with the crowd, we slept in one of those lodge cabin things.

    There was this hot foreigner there and my cousins wanted to know what language she was speaking. I knew some french and i told him she was speakin french. I taught my cousin how to say hi and introduce himself.


    When he sees her the next time he screams from the other side of the quad "BONJOURR!"




    the kicker?



    she was italian.

  2. The coating offers other protections as well. It allows slugs to travel unharmed across the sharp edge of a razor blade or piece of glass, and can thwart predators; the slug excretes thick mucus and humps its body up, making itself appear larger. When the slime comes into contact with a moist surface, it produces an anesthetic which causes the membranes to go numb.



    The slime of the banana slug also lubricates the terrain over which they move, so they can travel more easily. When climbing a tree, a slug can drop back down quickly using a string of slime. Researchers have made unsuccessful attempts to reproduce slug slime, since it is one of the best natural glues, and has potential uses in medicine.



    Ariolimax dolichophallus, a species of banana slug (dolichophallus meaning "long penis" in Latin) has the largest penis-to-body length ratio of any animal. The record-holding specimen had a body length of 6 inches (15 cm), with a phallus length of 32.5 inches (82 cm), well over five times the body length.



    yall are jeeaalous

  3. Re: Splinter in The Shitter


    i wish i was really really rich, and owned a restaurant, and could just fly anywhere i wanted to at anytime, and everyone would love me becuase i could buy ppl anything, and if i didnt like you i would slap you across the face with a stack of hundred dollar bills and then give it to you and say, "why dont you go buy yourself a personality you dumb cunt" and then it would be back to my private leer jet and off to cambodia to cure world hunger.


    and i would have the dopest shoes.



    that girl was pretty

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