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god vito

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Everything posted by god vito

  1. thats what i thought.. thanks who did it ? i hope it was not one of those keg party wanna be thugs, cuz i saw boy boy on the ave right after i did that and he did not have a word to say. looking all pitifull with his raceing stripe and all by the way its nine trey bloods b's up east side iam gonna agree with young man in the post after next :) keep it clean scraper!
  2. 1998 1998 1998 1998 1998 1998 1998 1998 1998 1998 1998 no buddy fuck what you heard yello reo maze die for juce chess south end 1998. stay in your lane boy'boy
  3. all city maze 98! ,yello the negro its the niggaz ya heard ! kcr set purple city express 9trey gangsta
  4. You wanna fight? Let me know So please let me know You get fly? Let me know He get high? Let me know Take his jewels and his rolls(?) Eat his food to let him know(???) no im not talking to you david st hubbens do i know you?
  5. Dvs watch your mouth you lame dvs(soul rey went hews and the washed up sneke) was around and killing shit when you were pissing the bed and clenching your winnie the pooh pillow. dont disrespect your elders punk.and yeah im talking to you got a problem we can solve them and this aint no pussy internet talk either. holla at me i dont even respect those guys except for soul rey and went , fuck the rest of them ,but i know my history.
  6. :bawling: :bawling: dude dont be mad :bawling: :bawling:
  7. its avies from everett. shots out aim. masae ...new born all stars DUBS I SEE YOU MY NIGGA!!!!!!!!!!
  8. all i know is that there is only one real writer from seattle talking that tag bang shit and living by it all the others either snitches or they run in packs and wont throw down by them self ... but enough about that tragic its time to rsvp again hit me up on the im i know you hear my foot steps
  9. that stuff is from last year ive got some newer stuff around here some where give me a few......:}
  10. MERK WHAT? JUMP WHO? http://thevapors.com/archive/albums/userpics/normal_DSCF0011.JPG'> http://thevapors.com/archive/albums/userpics/normal_DSCF0012%7E0.JPG'> mahattan bridge cheap paint http://thevapors.com/archive/albums/userpics/normal_DSCF0014.JPG'> http://thevapors.com/archive/albums/userpics/normal_DSCF0015.JPG'> MAY 20 .....I KNOW YOU HEAR MY FOOT STEPS
  11. show me that die foe flava babay!! http://thevapors.com/archive/albums/userpics/DSCF0006.JPG'> http://thevapors.com/archive/albums/userpics/normal_DSCF0007.JPG'> http://thevapors.com/archive/albums/userpics/normal_DSCF0002.jpg'>
  12. dude daner knows and kicks it with the king of seattle in fact all that shit that he dose is half rate rip off,daner is the best young cat out there . burning all internet thugstas, velt foo's and ballard freewall bombers one your self or you will catch 2.
  13. mr .nigel tufnel people were on talking about rod harden, rod h cant do it alone he has helpers you can write/say fuck rod h all you want it wont do any thing you can get rid of a snitch, i just thought id let every one know whats up with the rats i mean rat in the house. as for "that guy" only a sucker would respect a snitch. :D why are you defending him? pitbulls dont shake hands with poodles :king: by the way these go to 11 :)
  14. Rod Harden is a clown a fuck boy and the bigest jocker/toy in seattle. all this guy dose all day is look at graffiti and gets graffiti gossip from graffiti writers, the bigest snitch of all is some one yall least expect ONLY RATS COME HOME ON HOUSE AREST (niggaz know) and all this dry snitching realy dose not help.There is no bond a rat will not break no friend he will not betray.remember that why is that every time" that guy " gets aressted for some thing some ones house gets raided but nothing ever hapends to "that guys's" case
  15. oooh tuff talk from the velt "fuck rod harden" you's a hella koo foo for that one guy the only glok i know is from the south end
  16. if your so upset with who is "runing "the city(why am i gonna knock your hustle if mine is treating me right ?) you should get out in those streets and do some thing about it. no disrespect intended but if your offended i cant take it back handle your bissness:D
  17. you could of at least covered ol boy's face every toy and their momma knows his name and face
  18. i-sore hey pal i need you to e-mail me we have some things to talk about :king:
  19. how about you giving me a hint bud:) i mean come on you got the jon b thing
  20. nah ...ive got lots of names i know who you are , and you know who i am lets not name names yah know ...
  21. my fave is make love right i was told it was dead so i stoped well you know dont you? RIP seds, walker and i went to see him when he was locked up parents just dont understand
  22. young man dod you have those flicks from the night that df did those big fillin at good shep rember ol'boy that got hit with the egg tryed to pleed his case cuz he was scared for his life that was a cool night pimping in pink i like your new fillin ..yes sir!jabs.h19.gif'>
  23. i thought that kreed rock(cow boy baby!) was also mlr remember that crew of course you do .Whats poping with smoke-dog jon-b and slayer i ve got some fliks i will put them up soon
  24. Yall homo-thugs better fall the fuck back! daner is one of the truest young writers out there.snore is good but my man walk and kreed rock need some love too.any one got some elvis flicks?
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