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Everything posted by SteveAustin

  1. SteveAustin


    http://www.pittsburghlive.com/mugshots/dvassilaros.jpg'> Holy crap, what a fucking asshole! People like this ignorant jack ass piss me off something serious. this is hands down the worst single sided article I have ever read.
  2. SteveAustin


    yeah, when I was in that age bracket...I seem to remember that being a regular occurence. There were like 7 kids that died (from my class) before we graduated high school. fukked up shit. Tearz...glad to hear your back in the saddle again. Finally...I'm seeing some results. I've been riding my ass off the last couple months waiting to see some improvement. Did a race on Sunday in the heart of the blazing heat. The race was at a trailhead I've ridden a million times. I swear I've never used the big ring so much in my entire life. Sad thing is I've been riding the road bikes so much...I've apparently lost my technical skills. The really rocky shit fucked up my cadence and overall rhythm. If it hadn't been for this section I think my placement would have been a lot better, but I finished 10th...so I'll take it.
  3. SteveAustin


    I've heard you can. It varies from state to state. The crew I ride with does a lot of pub crawls on bikes. We straight up asked a couple of cops on duty in the bar district if we could get in trouble. One guy looked in his little cop manual and said he couldn't find anything to book us on. The other guy just said he was glad we were riding our bikes and not driving. The drunk and disorderly thing probably covers this somewhat, but I've never had any problems with the law....and I've been lock me up and throw away the key drunk on my bike many times.
  4. SteveAustin


    hell if that frames straight keep it for your cliche, scrubby writer, tats all over the place fixie ride and put brakes on another frame. I have one set up for straight fixie (no breaks) and another that has breaks. I've got a flip flop wheel, so if I feel like coasting...I can. Hesh...how would one go about figuring out whether a motobecane was a pre american buyout pos?
  5. SteveAustin


    If you get the Diadoras...I hope you have better luck than me. I had a pair of the Jalapenos...they lasted one season and started falling apart. I bought a pair of the Sidi Dominator 2s and they have lasted 3 years and are still going on strong. These are pretty much the only pair of shoes I ride in and I ride pretty much every day. I know they are pricey, but if you can swing it....they're definitely worth the money. I know people that have both ATACs and Frogs. The peeps that use the ATACS love and swear by them just like the Frogs peeps. I've heard the Frogs are better for people with knee problems. There is a new pedal out by Crank Brothers called the Eggbeater. I have a friend using these right now and he absolutely loves them. He's said there's nothing better in mud. I'll probably try a pair next year. If the frogs don't fit (they probably will) you can always whip out the utility knife and make em fit. You might try emailing Diadora and ask them...they might actually know.
  6. SteveAustin


    no doubt. I'm bummed...I won't get my wheel back til Monday. I wanted to get in a couple really LONG rides this weekend. Guess I'll have to ride my mountain bike.
  7. SteveAustin


    KARMA I was talking to a former teammate yesterday about our team wheels. He was talking about the number of spokes he had broken and what kind of luck I had on mine. I replied no problems whatsoever, love the wheels, just found out American Classic made the hubs, so all was good and right. We had a break from the unbearable heat yesterday, so I thought I would go for a nice long ride. I was doing a track stand at a light when it turned green and I torqued it up and took off. When I started off I heard the unmistakeable "twang" of a spoke breaking. Looked down to verify...sure enough...10.5 miles from home, no phone...shit. I have so few spokes on the rear wheel that it was almost completely unrideable. I rode about 30 blocks and remembered a friend lived in the area. Swung by his place...not home. It was kinda funny because I was thinking the only way I'm going to get home anytime soon is if I just happen to magically run into a friend. I get to the top of this hill when I run into a college friend that lives a good 25 miles from me. I just laughed and asked for a ride. Take the bike apart and throw it in his car and take off. Were driving along talking about random shit and he mentions how much he hates graffiti and how it ruins the city. He goes on saying some derogatory shit about writers and who do they think they are...blah, blah, blah. I could hardly contain myself. Maybe ten years from now I'll bring up the story of when he gave one of "those" guys a ride home.
  8. SteveAustin


    I was just checking out the website for the warriors race. That looks absolutely bad-ass. Wish I could figure out a way to get myself to NY. Sounds like a lot of fun. Whoever goes...I wanna hear all about it and pictures also...I want to see pics of carnage and mud wrestling. love to see a stonecutters team out there raging.
  9. SteveAustin


    I wanna go pretty bad, but I have to make some choices. Choices: 1) Single Speed World Championships -- in Downieville 2) Cyclocross Nationals --in Napa I can only go to one of these unless I manage to score a little extra cash between now and December. I'm leaning more towards the Cross Nationals, seeing as how I'm full on addicted. I may be able to squeeze the SSWC in though. I hear there is a contingent driving there, so I might be able to go cheap. I went and looked at Cross bikes this weekend. Fuji wasn't bad $1000...had some rather low end stuff on it 105 etc., Jake the Snake had a little better stuff for $50 more and then my favorite...the Bianchi Axis...ooooo, shouldn't have looked at this one. It had XT deraileurs, Truvativ crankset, carbon fork, Shimano Deep V wheels all wrapped up in the standard Bianchi skin...for $1300. I know I really wanted steel, but...this seems like a good deal to me. Wonder if Bianchi is still taking apps for sponsorship....hmmm?
  10. SteveAustin


    Ok, so its sooo fucking hot out I pretty much locked myself indoors and didn't ride much this weekend. We had one of our disorganized, beer-fest dirt races on Friday night. It was a damn good time. 3 B's....bikes, beer and boobies. Woke up Saturday morning with the most incredibly bruised legs (I seem to remember crashing in to another bike at around 20 mph). Sunday the temperature was 99 with a heat index of 109. Did a three lap 21 mile mtb race. I raced this one a couple years ago in the same heat, so I knew what not to do. I took it easy and rode my own pace on the first and second laps. The third lap I used all I had. Well, I guess I took it too easy, I still had quite a bit left in me at the end. I ended up breaking in to the top 10 with a 9th place finish....12 seconds behind 8th.
  11. SteveAustin


    DIBS...this is where the SingleSpeed World Championships is going to take place. Tell me more. The course is rumored to be 45 miles with 8000 feet of climbing. How'd it look to you?
  12. SteveAustin


    Most of the time...where I live, motorists are (for the most part) pretty cool. I was finishing up a nice easy ride last night when some jackass yelled out his window the typical, "Get outta the way". For some reason, last night I snapped. I had just turned off onto a side street when he yelled. I prompty turned around and started chasing him down. Up ahead of him the light turned red and I thought hell yeah...I can catch him. I got to within 30 yards when the light turned green and he took off squealing his tires. I guess I just find it funny how "tough" some people are inside their cars. Anybody done any racing lately? I've got one coming up Sunday.
  13. SteveAustin


    So, I was outta town since Thursday afternoon...without any of my bikes. I've gotten used to riding so much that going that long without a ride nearly drove me insane. I actually had dreams about riding. Anyway...glad I'm back, hopefully I can get a decent ride in tonight (still have some family making the rounds). The one thing I've noticed since I started riding mountain and road is the amount of upper body strength it takes to move the mountain bike around. Alkaline has it right on...single speed in the woods.
  14. SteveAustin


    No, not a political statement at all. I'm down with being a cutter. God knows I got mad love for the two wheelers. Actually that reminds me, I found an old Schwinn trike the other day. Whoever was selling it wanted $125 for it. If it was $50 I would've bought that shit up right quick, hell if it was $75 I would've thought long and hard about it....then bought it. Yoink -like Jan said...it all depends on what your going to do with it. If you think your gonna do both (road and mountain) you may want to consider a cross bike. You can get a really nice bike for a little over a grand. Surly makes a pretty tough cross bike...I think it runs around $900 new.
  15. SteveAustin


    not an OG stonecutter, but I can still recommend a good book. road: Zinn and the Art of Road Bike Maintenance mountain: Zinn and the Art of Mountain Bike Maintenance
  16. SteveAustin


    Negative Energy I can't think what I did to deserve it, but yesterday was riddled with negative energy. On my ride home from work I had a doberman chase my ass. No sooner had I dropped the dog, when some jackass pulled out from a side street. Dude nearly side swiped me pulling out. I stood up and hammered it to get out of the way. So, then he gets his front bumper as close as humanly possible to my rear tire. I'm freaking out and stepping it up. When I get enough up on him, I look back...dudes got his face buried in some xerox. He looks at me and I give him the wtf look. He flips me off and gets in his agressive driving stance, so I brake hard and pull off to the side. I'm so flippin pissed I give'm both fingers. He hits his brakes like he's gonna stop, so I'm full on... hell yea lets go! Apparently he decided against stopping, so instead he puts it in neutral and revs it for me. At that point I just started laughing. Rest of the ride home went pretty smooth except for the bitch in the SUV who felt her car was large enough for both lanes. Almost went for grass to get out of her way. Got home and got setup for the group ride I do. The prior week we were pretty bad about blowing stop signs and yellows. Well, this week they had a cop waiting for us. Lucky for us...he stopped some older couple for running the 4 way stop. We all felt pretty bad for them...it looked like that was their first bike ride in 10 years. Finished the group ride and rode home. I was home for a couple minutes when my mom called to let me know one of my relatives passed away. Originally I was going to meet some other people and do a mountain bike ride to get in an even 50 for the day, but after that...it just wasn't there.
  17. SteveAustin


    that web site rocks. I finally got the check for the frame I sold. Going to the bike shop today to finally order my flip flop wheel. My fixed gears will be back on the road! I'll have to get pics of them. One is full on battle ready without brakes, the other is semi pretty and has brakes. Bike Maintenance I pretty much do everything myself. Most of the stuff I don't do is because I don't have the tools (headset press, building wheels, etc.). I have a couple of beater bikes that I refuse to touch. I actually put duct tape on the brakes of one of them. The metal is cracked on the arm and the duct tape is all that is holding it together.
  18. SteveAustin


    This should answer all the questions you ever have about fixies. http://www.sheldonbrown.com/fixed.html Dibs was right on when considering the stereotypes some cyclists have. Most shop guys I know, are extremely knowledgeable when it comes to all bikes.
  19. SteveAustin


    RAGBRAI Anyone heard of this? Apparently it is the Registered Annual Great Bike Ride Across Iowa. Some guys I ride with are talking about crashing it and riding the whole deal without support. I think it starts the third week of July (21st). Curious as to whether anyone had heard of it, done it or planning on doing it. I hear it is one huge drunk fest. Ride like 60-70 miles a day and then go eat, drink and party.
  20. SteveAustin


    LAW...Joker and Tearz have it down....I'd check the cleat and the pedal for debris. If there's nothing there, you might try some lube. That always seems to help my mountain pedals...I have yet to buy road pedals, so I'm not quite sure how they work. the chain skip could be due to a little cable stretch as well. Tearz...I'm not carless, but I started commuting to work on the bike. I'm getting an extra 16 - 20 miles in daily now. Big bump for going carless. One of the guys I race with didn't even license his car this year. He raced singlespeed at the last race and ended up doing one extra lap just to see what his single time would be compared to the experts. He was two minutes off the third place rider. He's pretty much talked me into moving up to expert next year. I started checking the times of the podium finishers in my class...they're all posting the same times as the expert podium guys. I figure I might as well move up, if I get lucky and podium...I get cash. Sure as hell beats a medal and another pump.
  21. SteveAustin


    running is the absolute worst. I don't understand why all these people insist on fucking up all their joints by running. one of my friends wives stress fractured her foot. after a few months of sitting on her ass, she exclaims "yea, I can run again!". I'm like wtf? why would you want to run again after you broke you foot doing it? race yesterday was a bitch. this had to be the rockiest course I have ever seen. it had some blazing fast downhills. my hand went numb on the first lap and just got worse as the race went on. I totally lost it on the last lap and shelved myself on a bed of rock. fucked up my wrist and ended up with a shitload of bruises. this was one of the weirdest races i have ever done. once the starting group broke up I pretty much rode by myself. I would pass people here and there, but never really was in a group. it felt like a sunday trail ride. average miles: 210 - 300 roughly, sometimes more...sometimes less.
  22. SteveAustin


    I'm pretty sure I just sold my Giant nrs1 frame, so I'm gonna have some cash set aside for a respectable cross bike. I shouldn't be buying another bike, but damnit....I really need a cross bike. still coughing up lung candy as well. I'm really stoked about this Sunday's race. I hear washing up with the blue dawn after possible exposure really helps get rid of the oil, so you don't break out later. I feel for you guys. I've never really been all that allergic to the stuff.
  23. SteveAustin


    Joker... like you said, XTR is worth it all by itself. All of my bikes have Ritchey WCS on it and its the shit. Super light weight and tuff. I also run the Ritchey OCR wheelset and haven't had any problems. Nice, smooth, light weight and no dish to boot. I don't know a whole lot about Haro. From what I hear they're pretty decent. Maybe a little heavy, but nothing outta control. I hear those Sid forks are a little flexy, but it is the top of line race shit, so should be alright. For $600 bucks it sounds like a hell of a deal. If you get any more details let me know. BTW: Don't race when your sick. Its a really bad idea. I was at home yesterday with a temperature of 102. Hopefully I'll be recovered enough to race this weekend.
  24. SteveAustin


    single speed race report I came down with a cold Friday. Come Saturday, it was a full on phlem doggie, sore throat, back breaker. I didn't feel all that bad Saturday morning, so I went ahead and set to upping my gear ratio. I had a 14 sitting on the hub as a spacer, so I switched things around and voila I had the magic gear without a chain tensioner. Took it for a spin around the neighborhood and decided that 42 x 14 was probably going to be a little much for the woods. I think I went through every bike part I have ever had at least twice. Finally I found a 16 tooth cog. I was hoping to find a 17 or 18, but no such luck. Put it all back on there (including the chain tensioner) and really loaded the tension up on the tensioner. Took it for another spin and decided 16 would have to do. Ended up feeling pretty lousy Saturday night, but since I had spent so much time messing with my bike I decided...fuggit I'm racing. So, Sunday morning we pull in, get registered and changed with about 5 minutes to spare. The short ride to the start had to suffice for a warmup. Single speed race starts have got to be one of the funniest things to watch. The starter sounded the gun and then all of us in slow motion try to start going. After a few revolutions we're all up to speed and right together except for the two guys who went with an easier gear combination. After about a hundred yards or so, I decided to take the front. I rode in front for a little while when another guy broke out for the front. It was almost like a rode race. We had a pace line going and everyone was right on someone else's wheel (we were on a gravel road heading towards the woods). We got about 80 yards from the singletrack when I decided I wanted the front spot back. I swung out to the left, stood up and hammered it. Passed the three guys that were in front of me, hit the singletrack and was headed into the woods in first. At the first drop in the woods my chain fell off. I had it tensioned so high that I thought I broke it. After a few minutes inspection I figured out it wasn't broken, so I set the chain and took off after everyone. Pretty boring after this. I slowly picked off riders while trying to catch back up to the lead three. I tried making up time everywhere. I'd stand and hammer coming out of the corners, long stretches and anywhere else I thought I could get a little more speed, but I was never able to catch back up with them. Finished the race and found out one guy had flats, so he dropped out. This ended up putting me in 3rd place. I think I ended up finishing 3 minutes back...damn that chain. I feel like complete shit today, but damnit...I have to say it was worth it.
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