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Everything posted by SteveAustin

  1. SteveAustin


    nice ridin' cinnamon. Return to the Flatlands. After race after race of super hilly courses I got a break with a really nice technically twisty flat course. I actually managed to show up early, get changed and ride 3 or so warm up laps. Race started, I took off and entered the woods in first. I was in first for most of the first lap, when one of my teammates finally decided to take the lead. We were all pretty tight at this point. He took off and two other guys were able to hang with him. After this the top 3 opened up a gap that I just couldn't bridge. At this point I was still in fourth with the fifth place guy sucking my wheel every chance he got. I would always put a good 30 yards on him after the barriers and without fail he would always catch up on the uphill. I finally got tired of pulling him so I sat back and made him take the lead. I would always take the lead back on the barriers. Dude even commented that I was kicking his ass on them. Next lap around as we finished the uphill, we were kinda cat and mousing as to who was going to lead out. He faked letting me take it and then blasted out with a mad sprint. He actually put 20-30 yards on me. I really wasn't that concerned because the barriers I had been kicking his ass on for the last several laps were right at the end of the pavement he dropped me on. He hit the first barrier about 20 yards ahead of me. I really wanted to see just how much I could make up, so I decided to go all out on the barriers. When we left the barrier section I was about 5 feet ahead of him. It was pretty funny when I passed him. Between his huffing and puffing I heard him spout out, "no fucking way". At this point I felt pretty good, so I figured I'd just suck his wheel and then pass him on the barriers to finish before him. There were still like 4 laps to go at this point. We noticed the third place guy had been dropped and decided to work together to chase him down. The very next lap on the barriers in the woods I hit my funny bone on the tip of my saddle. Man, I never thought that could hurt so bad. My entire right arm went dead from the elbow down. I had absolutely zero feeling in my hand. I ended up losing probably 80 yards because of this. I spent the next 3 laps trying to catch back up. At the halfway point on the bell lap I kinda looked at the lead he had and backed off thinking there was no way I could catch up. He hit the last barriers about 45 yards in front of me. As well as I was doing the barriers I still didn't think I could catch him...until I noticed he dropped his chain. I went in to those barriers so fucking fast I could hardly keep my feet moving when I hit the ground. I'm running across the barriers and I see him get the chain on and look right at me. He jumped on the bike, rolled about 10 feet and hit the pavement as I was coming off the last barrier. He hit the gas big time and I just couldn't make up that last bit on the sprint. This was probably one of the funnest races I've done this year. And yes I learned another lesson. Never back down because you never know what will happen. This weekend is another states championships and my team is showing up in full force to play spoiler. I previewed the course this past week and its a brutal twisty, hilly course with some amazing fast pavement. Looking forward to it. anyone else riding or racing?
  2. SteveAustin


    last Saturday I decided to try and build my cross bike. This bike is all about being as cheap as possible. I raided about five friends parts bins to get this thing together. Worked on it till midnight and finally called it quits. I wanted to get it built for the cross race the next day, but it just didn't happen. Too many problems with trying to get spare parts to work. All I have left is to setup the front derailleur, rear brakes and tape the bars. The race on Sunday was just plain fucking cold. The course was mainly grass with one long gradual uphill asphalt section. This was one of those races where I just wasn't feeling it. I barely made it to the start line before the started the race. The guy driving decided it was more important for him to have coffee than for us to be on time. We actually got lucky because the promoter was running late. This gave me an extra 15 minutes of prep time. Not that I used it effectively. Race started and I wasn't even able to hang with the lead group for one lap. I pretty much rode my own race and didn't really sweat it much. One of the guys that I normally beat passed me on the 2nd to last lap. We went back and forth several times from then on. When I hit the asphalt on the last lap I passed him and went to chase down the other guy in front of me. I pulled up behind him and decided to go on ahead and pass him with about 30 yards to go. I pulled up beside him and he went to sprint. I stood up, shifted gears and went to sprint as well. My next shift caused the chain to drop off, so that sprint ended rather quickly. At this point I had to grab the bike and run sprint to the finish, so the guy I just passed wouldn't beat me. Mission accomplished to the tune of a rather un-impressive 9th place finish. Back to back state races coming up. Not sure if I'll make this weekends state, especially since there is a local one... much, much closer. Have a nice holiday weekend guys.
  3. SteveAustin


    Last time I road was last Sundays race. Its been one hell of a long busy and shitty week. Hopefully I'll get a ride in on Saturday, if not there's always Sundays race. There is a chance of snow this weekend, so that would make for one hell of a race. One sick little part of me wants it to snow like a mother fucker. 7 days a week sucks hesh. I was just wondering how you liked that new sled. willy....all that sucks. good luck with everything.
  4. SteveAustin


    nice epic race Cinnamon. made me think of some of the photos of the Paris-Robauix race a while back. I did the same thing this year as last year. Went out the night before and drank more than I had planned. I've figured that combined with the hills on this course is just the wrong combo. I started out in third behind two of my new teammates for next season. As usual I was running late getting to the race so I didn't get a warm up at all. My team guys dropped the hammer pretty quick and I just wasn't able to keep the pace. I was hoping to ride together a little longer and try controlling it a bit more, but that didn't happen. I went back and forth with several different people. There was this one kid that I would pass every lap, only to have him come back and pass me. I let him go on the 3rd to last lap, but kept him close. On what I thought was the last lap I geared up, passed him and kept going. I passed another guy about 10 yards from the finish line only to hear...this is the bell lap! I tried to hold my lead over the guy I passed at the end, but it didn't happen. I figured I'd do the same thing to him that I did to the other guy and just wait til it was almost over. This race finished at the top of a hill. I really let it go on the downhill portion in order to catch up to the guy in front of me. I got about half way up the hill and realized I waited a little too long to start my attack. I stood up and really started cranking hard. I was gaining a lot of ground as we got closer and closer to the finish. With about five yards left I pulled up along side of him, but he ended up beating me by about a foot. Ended up in 7th for this one. Supposedly we go back to the flatlands next week, so hopefully I'll place better. Oh yeah, my training thoughts.....I really need to start training indoors again. This weather is killing me.
  5. SteveAustin


    so what are you getting? side note: I rode the Gary Fisher Super Caliber 29er this weekend. I didn't think I was gonna like that bike, but I have to say I was thoroughly amazed. That thing rolls over rock like nothing and climbs like a billy goat.
  6. SteveAustin


    oh hell yeah. I was wondering about payment. thats cool, don't forget to let me know how much shipping is. My name wasn't on the email? I kinda figured it would pop up in the from box. My email address is first initial and last name, although it'd probably make it to me with the six million dollar name. race report and training thoughts coming later today.
  7. SteveAustin


    I wish I could ride a 57cm, but it just ain't gonna happen. as far as clean up without showers I use those handi wipe clean up sheets from Walmart / Target. Like 250 sheets for $1.50 or something. I also leave a bag of clothes and extra deodorant and what not at the office.
  8. SteveAustin


    yeah, definitely nice job. I always forget to put an extra wheelset in the pits. I'm pretty sure I'm out for Nappa. Shits kinda gotten hectic round here. Good luck when you guys go. Joker....you ever get that email?
  9. SteveAustin


    I'm weighing in I ended up taking a half day on Friday, so I could go home and take advantage of the dry, warm weather. I ended up getting in 20 miles before I had to get my ass home and ready for a date. Woke up Saturday with sore calves (this just lets me know how long I've been off the bike). Saturday night decided to go ride singletrack. Out for a couple of hours at a nice pace, but nothing hard. Cyclocross Morning on Sunday, I felt tired and still had sore calves. Figured I'd go on ahead and ride in the cross race. I was running late and didn't get to pre-ride the course or get warmed up. Race started and I immediately took the 2nd spot. The guy leading was just setting a crushing pace, so I decided to let him go, thinking there was no way in hell he could keep that pace up. His technical skills weren't that good, so I'd catch up to him in all the tight, twisty stuff and barriers. After 3 or 4 laps he faded and another guy took the lead. At this point I was thinking 2nd was the place to be. My strategy was just to hand close and try and close with 2 laps to go. In the mean time I lost another couple places. The final two laps were on and I opened up the afterburners. I caught up to the tail of the lead group, only to feel like I was going to puke my brains out. I backed off a bit, but not too much. We hit some of the straights and they pulled away again. I'd get within 10 yards of them through all the tight stuff, but they'd always drop me in the straights. I ended up coming in 4th, but apparently one of the guys in front got DQ'd for something (maybe cutting the course, not really sure). I walked outta there with 3rd place and a little swag to make it more than worth my time.
  10. SteveAustin


    Joker sounds good, you should have mail soon.
  11. SteveAustin


    Its a little bit bigger than what I currently have. How much do you want for it?
  12. SteveAustin


    I might be. Hit me up with some 411. I need a bigger bag than what I have right now. I can barely get my groceries in it. I finally got my wheels back. I put them back together and went out for a quick ride in the cold, raining / sleeting weather. It was good to be back on tha bike, but damn...I'm in absolutely horrible shape. Its just ugly. Places I used to leave it in the big ring, I was shifting down for. Just plain ugly kinda like this weekend. I had my first ambulance ride Saturday morning (roughly 3 am). Luckily it wasn't me strapped in. One of my boys (while jumping a bonfire with a burning couch) cased his landing, augering in face first and knocking him out for around a solid five minutes. Scary shit there. Cinnamon, nice going on the racing. Keep hitting it and posting up them results. I'm back in the game this coming weekend. I'm getting close to finding enough parts to get my cross bike built, but I'm still not there. Anyone have any old STI lever laying around you wanna get rid of?
  13. SteveAustin


    Nothin scarier then that SUV barrelling down on ya, because you don't belong on the road. I don't have a spare wheelset yet. When I buy the cross bike set of wheels, then I'll be setup. Unfortunately I sent them back to Ritchey and even more unfortunate...it seems they are a low priority. I'm hoping they'll hook me up, so I don't really want to bitch, but damn....I'm going crazy without those wheels. My next paycheck supposedly has a bonus in it, so maybe I can go on ahead and pick up them wheels.
  14. SteveAustin


    awesome race reports guys! I have to admit though, hearing about other people racing is killing me. Last week, I had friends staying at my pad and couldn't get away to race. This weekend I was sick as a dog. Seems like I always get sick on the weekend, I might take a sick day as payment for that bullshit. Still waiting for my Ritchey wheels to come back. C'mon...how long does it take to rebuild a wheel?
  15. SteveAustin


  16. SteveAustin


    my pushing finally worked. sweet bontrager love. I think I'm gonna dismantle my full suspension to get my bontie up and running.
  17. SteveAustin


    cross report man....my first cross race when straight to shit. I was lined up front and center for the start. Race started with a 100 yd mad dash to a hairpin corner and the first set of barriers. Hit the barriers and some dude in front of me didn't know how to carry his bike, so I grabbed his rear wheel and pushed it the fuck outta my face. That kinda got me a bit hot, so I jumped on out front and took the lead. I don't have my cross bike finished yet, so I was riding the mt bike. It really crushed on the downhill portions of the course. I was heading back towards the start line and I had one last set of barriers to go. The course dipped down a hill and made a 90 degree turn up hill with barriers at the bottom of the hill right next to the corner and at the top of the hill. I hit that corner hot, hot, hot and proceeded to slide right out. After I got done flopping around and untangled myself from my bike, I hobbled up the barriers and jumped on the bike. No go....I dropped the chain. Put the chain back on and tried to catch up with the leaders. It was pretty much not happening. My whole left side and back was on fire after a couple more laps. I completely fell apart and ended up in like 12th place. oh well, there is always next week.
  18. SteveAustin


    I disabled the ability to email me. I can drop a "temporary" email if need be. What do you think of North Carolina? I've been thinking about moving...and NC is one of the spots I was interested in. It looks like Nationals isn't going to happen for me. I am working on being broke and I'm still trying to piece together a cross bike. One of my friends is talking about going to Colorado to catch some of the races there....I might hitch a ride with him.
  19. SteveAustin


    Thanks guys! cinnamon...its one of our local races. I would say its more miles than you would want to travel. if ya want more info...I can hit ya up with an email. lemme know.
  20. SteveAustin


    The Ultegra Open Pro combo goes for $199 and the Dura Ace Open Pro combo $250. If I remember right performancebike had them the cheapest. I emailed Ritchey, and they told me to send both wheels in. Apparently they ran out of the silver spokes, so the customer service guy told me to send in the front as well...he said he wouldn't want me running around with mismatched wheels. I thought that was way fucking cool of them to do that. Now, I'm just waiting for my wheels to come back.
  21. SteveAustin


    Alright, so here it is. To keep this from being redundant, I'll summarize most of it. My teammate got dibs on the first lap, with a LeMans style start. I didn't miss the running portion one bit. We pretty much started right off in second place. The team that was in first kept putting about 2 minutes on us every lap. We were running radios and had a mishap on lap 3. We were radioing ahead at a certain point, so we would know when to start getting ready for the next lap. Well, we missed the call and I was just finishing getting ready for my lap when my teammate called....from the scoring tent. That little fuck up cost us a few minutes and 2nd place. We pulled 2nd back in at some point in time, but I'm not really sure when. I think I was pretty much brain dead after my third lap. We hardly had enough time to go back to camp and change clothes, eat, and drink before we had to get back on the bike. So the cycle of us losing 2 minutes to the 1st place team continued into night fall. We decided to double up our laps, so we could take a longer lap and eat some real food. My partner turned in one seriously fast lap and then a normal one. I took it fairly easy on my two laps. When I got in from the last of my two laps... our pit bitch informed us that we had made up quite a bit of time. When it was my time for me to do what would end up being my last lap I felt pretty good. The first place team had about a 4 minute lead at this time. Their strong rider doubled up on laps when I went out. I was working my ass off trying to nail all the climbs. When I came through the campground (halfway point) our pit bitch informed me that I was holding the gap at 4 minutes. The second half of this course was bad ass. It was do damn fast it was unbelievable. I kept pushing and pushing. At one point I thought I saw lights in front of me. I really think I imagined them, because there wasn't a trail where I thought I saw them. At this point it didn't really matter. I just told myself....thats your guy....go get him. A few minutes after this, I actually caught up to another rider. I kept getting closer and closer until I could finally see the number on his back. It was the first place guy. I completely hammmered it and passed him like he was standing still. I was hoping he wouldn't be able to read my number if I passed him that fast. It didn't work, he realized who I was and jumped right after me. I had about a 20 yard lead on him. We rode for 5-10 minutes like that when the pit bitch radioed in that he hadn't come in yet. I radioed back....I know...I'm in front. I lost my momentum at the top and decided it would be faster to push the bike to the top of the hill. He caught up to me and passed me at this point. I jumped back on the bike and caught up to him on the next hill. It was all downhill after this, so I busted my ass getting the lead back. I came flying down the hill, did a cyclocross dismount into the tent and handed the baton off with an 8 second lead. My teammate dropped the hammer and ended up putting 20 minutes on their last rider. First fucking place...finally. cross season starts next weekend! hell yeah!
  22. SteveAustin


    YO Devilush or anyone else from San Fran. Yeah, I know its a big city but.... I met a couple ladies touring the states and was curious as to whether or not anyone knew of two bad-ass women out there riding. They're heading my way in a couple days. I'll probably hook them up with a place to stay.
  23. SteveAustin


    no clue on felt, but I think Ultegra and Cosmics would probably be worth the extra 200 bones.
  24. SteveAustin


    word. I'm pushing one of my friends to sell one of his to me. Also looking for a Bontrager Cross Frame. I've heard industry rumblings about quite possibly bringing the Bontragers back. Group consensus is...it'll only work if they use the same geometry and make her outta steel.
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