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Posts posted by SteveAustin

  1. the only thing I'm doing differently (other than taking a break) is popping those endurolyte caps before the races. hammer also has a race day formula...I'm thinking about trying that stuff out also.


    I had forgotten how nice it was to ride to work. I think I just might see how long I can go without driving in. seems to put me in a better mood at work as well.


    Joker...I know the guys my teammate, but I plan on burying him by the end of the season. Dood always has an excuse....drives me nuts.


    Cinnamon...take a break man. I definitely needed the mental pause.


    If you guys haven't already...try those e-caps...I'm gonna start swearing by them. You might be able to get some sample packs from them.

  2. Originally posted by jbrshmonster

    i'm gonna bump by saying that southern kid should post his flicks...



    in a good way....



    I'm gonna agree. I have to watch what I post, but I'm still able to put stuff up. lets see the flix southern.

  3. I don't know if maybe I was overdoing it at the end of last year or not...but it seems like I'm getting faster by sitting on my ass drinking.

    I've been lucky to get two rides in a week lately...granted there decent rides.


    I had a mountain bike race this past weekend. It was in the series I help promote, so all the normal working my ass off the day and morning before were applicable. Hell, I didn't even think I was gonna be able to race this one. Twenty minutes before it started, we got enough people to help with scoring, so I threw the team kit on and geared up. Keep in mind this is my absolute favorite course and I helped mark it. I started out pretty strong straight from the start. Had a few mechanical issues, but rode pretty smart most of the time. Passed lots and lots of riders in other classes...even lapped a couple of guys. One of my teammates, who I've kinda marked, was always about two hundred yards in front of me. On the last lap, I raised my head up from climbing and noticed him about twenty feet in front of me. Unfortunately it was the last climb and he turned, looked back, saw me and applied the last of the gas. I ended up finishing 5 seconds behind him.


    this race really has me amped up. I'm a little more energized now. I even made the commute to work this morning in my normal time. Legs are a bit tight and spent feeling...but not bad. Can't wait for the next one.



    I got sixth place by the way. We had one hell of a team showing.

  4. I'm now on a marked team. We got our big man up top. 3rd in the road race, 1st in the uphill time trial and 1st in the crit....all adding up to 1st in the overall gc.


    its gonna be interesting next race. we've started practicing some paceline tactics.


    I've got a mountain race on Sunday...one of my favorite courses...can't fucking wait.

  5. Originally posted by -Rage-

    I've been trying these techniques. Shit's not looking the same as yours, but it's fun to fuck around.


    I've got some serious years of experience behind me...so, keep it up. If ya got any q's hollah. Tyler...you figure it out yet? The example I gave was pretty basic. I go in and do all lot of little things that make it pop.

  6. Originally posted by Tyler Durden

    care to explain how you did this? i really love the border alot.



    in short.

    I scanned a polaroid proof from a photo shoot. converted it from a grayscale to a bitmap file.

    reconverted that file into an rgb file and selected the black with the magic wand. used the select similar feature.


    opened my digital photo and copied it.


    went back into the polaroid file and pasted the photo into the selected black areas.


    flattened it and saved it as a jpeg.



    mamerro check your mail.

  7. May 19-23 national ride your bike to work week. whoop, whoop!


    alkaline...bike if one of the few mags I check out...I'll be sure to pick up a copy. love the photography in it.

  8. I also love B&W. Its just more expressive to me. With all the disposables and what not...color almost seems overdone. I've seen alot of really shitty b&ws though. it has to have the high contrast.


    weird thing is...my color work tends to turn out so much better than my black and whites. I just don't get it.


    thanks rage....

  9. interesting tidbit on the first one I shot that looked like a van gogh sky...that clear circlish spot on the top was a tornado beginning to form. I just watched it for a bit and then ran and grabbed the camera.

  10. Joker...Cinnamon...nice going, you guys are making me feel bad. I just haven't been into the race scene as much this year. I'm sure that'll change with Fall and the cross season.


    I've been trying to spend more time in the studio also. Got a bunch of ideas that I need to see completed.

  11. Originally posted by cinnamon toast crunch804

    was it really that cold out?


    I was thinking the same thing.


    I skipped the race this weekend and it sounds like it was a good move. HUGE wreck, lots of people and bikes got fucked up, luckily...not one person on my team was involved.

  12. joker...I seem to have lost your addy...email me if your interested in the discount, that goes for any of the other cutters as well. 15% off is what I can get you on your first order.


    oh, and in regards to those numbers...they came from the whey and soy products.

  13. Originally posted by Joker

    Steve... if you haven't been training on the regular and you did that well in your race, you're going to be a monster come summer.


    I sure as hell hope so. I had a rough winter and found it really difficult to get out with any regularity. Got everything figured out and I'm motivated and back on track.


    I was reading some Hammer nutrition stuff about protein. According to them I need to be taking in around 95-120 grams of protein daily. This is kinda hard to obtain via a diet and they're pushing product, but still...a lot of the info explained why I was having certain symptoms. I'm definitely going to up my intake.


    Anybody know of anything going on in Boston around the first weekend of June? I might be in town then and am thinking about packing the racing whip. Oh yeah....#1000....figured it belonged here.

  14. I had a point to point race on Saturday and the standard lap system on Sunday. No real exciting specifics, but one of the guys I have a rivalry with is starting to freak out. I was either right on his wheel or in front of him for the majority of the time. On Sunday he dropped me on a huge climb. I'm starting to get my legs and lungs back. Once I start riding regular again, I expect to seriously hurt him. I've started taking endurolytes about an hour before the start of the races. That combined with a bottle of accelerade seems to be the perfect match. Last week I got 9th. This past weekend was 8th and 11th. I start my regular commute next week. Looking damn forward to it.


    Joker and Cinn...sounds like you guys are doing alright. Keep it up! I'm going to start doing hill climbs.

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