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Posts posted by SteveAustin

  1. ^^ doh!


    parts department!


    who would've thought.

    thanks rage.


    oh yeah...my mom picked up a pack of 339 film at a garage sale. I told her it probably wouldn't work.

    I haven't looked to see what it goes to yet.

  2. Can't wait to see the package. Just plain amped.


    Rage...talk to me about batteries for the land camera.

    Where did you find them? I checked the polaroid store online...but couldn't find them.



  3. Re: Re: Polaroid passaround.


    Originally posted by PMB

    The film in the camera was once again ruined


    if it shows up at my place ruined...I think everyone should just buy a pack and finish it and then send it on.


    the land cameras are just plain dope.


    peanut...check thrift shops and garage sales for em. get one with a manual and it explains it all.

  4. damn...don't check a thread for a few days and shit explodes.


    I think deep down...someone was quite a bit insecure.


    anyway...joker always comes correct with excellent suggestions and critiques.


    many thanks man. I've slacked a bit...but the next couple series are on their way.

  5. Originally posted by -Rage-

    Speaking of, looks like I have some competition.




    thanks rage...thats quite the compliment.


    my first 10 were definitely a learning experience.

    safe to say...those cameras are just plain fucking dope.

  6. ^^ Oh my gawd....did you go back to the future and accidentally make your mom fall in love with you? Your brother is starting to disappear from the photo. ha-ha....yeah...probably showing my age with that.


    good stuff mr peanut.

  7. I just found out one of my friends used to race Cat 1 at the national level in Texas. He told us a story about beating Lance in a race...waaaay back in the day. I guess him and another guy were fucking with Lance all day. The other guy my boy was riding with got his teammate to take off to the left on a sprint about 500 yards from the finish. Lance of course charged after him. My boy and the other guy broke off to the right, right after Lance bit on the sprint. I guess the teammate grabbed a handful of brake and left Lance high and dry. Apparently Lance got pissed and stormed off, throwing his bike in his car and leaving before the podium ceremony.


    kinda funny.

  8. ya know...it was kinda funny. I had a great view of the kid driving and the girl in the passenger seat. the kid was just kinda sitting there saying fuck over and over with his eyes about to pop outta his head. the kid was more than scared shitless. for some reason that satisfied me enough to just jump back on the bike and take off.

  9. I got hit by a drunk last night. Luckily it was right after he kinda sorta stopped at a stop sign. No real damage to me or the bike...but I did end up on the hood.

  10. awesome 48:16....I always love hearing the stories about how bikes somehow end up finding their way back to the owners.


    gotta love that free detailing. :lol:

  11. ^^ kick ass!

    how'd you get it back?

    details man...we want details.


    one of my boys got his mountain fixie stolen. the little kid that stole it...was dumb enough to ride by the bike shop he worked in.

  12. eh $30 isn't that bad. I probably would have offered $20. I've got an extra old schwinn cruiser that I most likely will sell pretty soon. I'll probably keep the s.archer hub though.


    edit...but yeah...that sucks when they do that shit.

    I had a guy up the price of his bike after I talked to him at a garage sale. I bought the bike when he wasn't there and I told the wife we agreed on $10 or something cheap like that.

  13. unfortunately...no...it doesn't really help.


    I did all of the above steps to mine. I'll try and take a pic of just how fucked up looking my bike is now.

  14. Re: *believe*


    Originally posted by WebsterUno

    painting a bike with spray paint....good idea?



    if you're painting a road bike...its alright. if its a mountain bike...its a really bad idea. spray paint isn't all that tough. the bike I painted looked awesome when I was done with it...but it didn't take much to scratch it up and make the paint chip. in hind sight...I'd wish I had just sent it out to have it painted. I wasted too much time to have it get that fucked up that early on.

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