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Posts posted by dremster

  1. quick poll:

    what are the best paint markers to use on canvas? i've had some really shitty ones, and don't wanna waste my time no more...advice is appreciatted....


    digging the latest stuff in here, one of my favorite threads

  2. man some people got big mouths about what they think all "yanks" think graff anywhere but the US is. your a f**king fool and your ignorent for saying that. you know who you are. in fact...i'm not over 18, i'm over 25 so don't assume what all yanks think big mouth.



    Nice post by the way

  3. call me a fool if you will, but i have a question, yesterday i was bored, had an old bottle of black griffin sitting around. so i took this wack ass magnum and put a hole on one end and dumped the griffin in. it seems wetter i guess. any suggestions on how to realy get the flow going on this marker?????

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