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Posts posted by KEFA

  1. kid sister is a bitch.

    floss is straight..although i heard them play basically the same set like 3 times at different venues. wack.

    i cant stand hollywood holt and his little moped fag clique..they try way too hard to be cool and there clothes gimme a headache.

  2. It was a joke, kepha...we all need a bit of humor every now and then...sans the bullshit from you know who's comments....it's nice out and I'm gonna take you up on your suggestion. Talking a walk, riding the lines...seeing the city.




    see..thats all i needed to hear. a simple response to a simple question. case closed.

    i am also only reponsible for things that come out of my mouth and from my fingers. i have no time for other peoples bull.

    give respect get respect..chicago needs to learn more of that.

  3. i would rather not have a chicago thread on here than have to see that nonsense written over and over again..\

    i think chicago can survive without a thread..lets make that happen. people leave YOUR house/hood and venture out into the real world. enjoy chicago and all it has to offer "OUTSIDE!"

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