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12oz Original
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Posts posted by Abracadabra

  1. You think that in over 13 years of writing, ten of which were spent putting down toxic, that all I would have to show for it is one freight?... Please. I've gotten ups in Australia, Costa Rica, Mexico, & Spain. Not to mention my home country.


    and still nobody cares who you are, and this london "toy" is well known around the world.


    tox is a sav

  2. i read the whole thing.


    i'm in two minds about whether the internets are good or bad. i've noticed that my taste in music changes on an almost weekly basis now as i'm able to download a collection of music from whatever genre i fancy in mere hours that would have taken years of record store hunting and tons of money to amass as a teen. i will then listen to it over the course of a couple of weeks, grow tired of it, and move onto the next thing.


    i am also bored to death of graffiti, or more specifically other people's graffiti. when i was a youngin i would get magazines occasionally, however i could, and would pore over them for hours and hours and hours taking it all in. i would ride the train and look at graffiti and just be constantly inspired. thanks to the internet i have now seen every fucking style of graffiti you could think of and have been beaten over the head with so much of it that nothing is new or exciting any more.


    most of my life i stuck to one hobby or interest. i skateboarded from the age of 10 through to my early 20's, i spent the same period listening to mostly rap music, and i have spent the last 20 years writing graffiti. so for me to have the constant influx of culture is pretty overwhelming, and shortens my attention span and interest level to that of a 4 year old with a belly full of kool aid and twizzlers.


    i find this contributes to a feeling of frustration and impatience, and a general sense of dissatisfaction. contentment is harder to attain now than it was as a young person.


    so yeah, the internet is probably bad, but porn is free and abundant, so you'll have to kill me before you take it away.

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