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Tyler Durden

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Everything posted by Tyler Durden

  1. bump. and gliko, that was gabriel....my comp labeled the shit as "arnando sandoval" for some reason. weird. *i forgot "man is the monster" on my list up there. the suicide file is awesome too.....from boston i believe?
  2. haha definetly not man.....strongpoints ill. other good LI bands..... subterfuge gabriel heads vs. breakers shit...theres alot of good LI bands...yeah.
  3. Glik and AFI need to come to LI for some shows...........bitches.
  4. i still have yet to hear any other bands with songs about painting....actually...thats wrong. i believe i read about some band a while back in lifesucksdie that had a song about bombing. i cant believe i cant remember the name......shucks.
  5. fuck yes my friend.....fuck yes. tripface and silent majority are probably my two personal favorites off the island. insanity.
  6. i see my brother he's here to fight, they got him down its 3 to 1......10 of us show, guess who won.
  7. haha, yeah....as much as i may not like alot of things about the "scene" here i will say this much.........................................come to a show talking that kind of shit and you will get fucked up. badly.
  8. i feel bad for leaving bane off my list. and the ever present.... gorilla biscuits. muhfuckaz.
  9. personally, i feel that the VAST majority of hardcore music has become incredibly stagnant and pretentious. however.....there is still some stuff that does it for me: shai hulud (ever since i first listened to these guys i've loved their music) old sick of it all onekingdown old earth crisis silent majority (......how has no one else mentioned them?) strongpoint i've been pretty fond of "suicide files" as of late...
  10. people wear hats on their feet and hamburgers eat people............in rand mcnally that is.
  11. the greatest place on earth is rand mcnally.
  12. some kid who is obviously not involved with the matter in any way, or even able to wager a good guess it would seem..... tonite was interesting....goes something like this: free show....got to watch a bunch of silly kids who have succeeded in being INCREDIBLY "unique" by all dying their hair purple and wearing large pants. opted against bombing tonite as i am very lazy and also a piece of shit. went to girlfriends house. had ramen and a bunch of sex. in that order. decided i wanted to go home. drove home on all the roads that were NOT YET plowed. stopped to get SURGE. and alot of it at 3am. saw some kid i havent seen in 4 years and some shady guy standing in the snow asked if i wanted to buy a bike. no thanks, Tyler will pass on that one. continued driving home. intoxicated off of alot of good sex, surge, AT THE DRIVE IN, and fun. tried to hit some telephone poles with love taps but was unsuccessful in my skids. i need to practice more. but that can wait for another day. i know that all of that has nothing to do with anything, but i know you all care. SCORE.
  13. antoher day of successfully waking up at 2:30.......woo hoo for me and my not having a job.
  14. so someone took ste's spot there? jeez, i havent been there in awhile.
  15. i believe your talking about ste........
  16. ..........i wonder about you sometimes man....i really do. http://www.fotango.com/p/eba00279841f00000011.jpg'> dont worry about it man, anus hates everyone too.
  17. i dont enjoy the brand new.....no i dont. however, i did enjoy almost smashing my teeth in while painting.....fell off this annoying ledge and landed face first in some rocks........winter needs to end now.
  18. http://www.fotango.com/p/eba00279841f00000009.jpg'> sitting on the can bored out of my mind i just drew this out...thanks to od and demo for taking a complete and utter piece of shit toy and.....making me less toy i guess. i dont know how anyone can put up with a shithead like me but i actually learned some stuff from you guys, thanks alot. yeah, so its 3am....im going to watch cartoon network now. thats enough of this asshole getting sentimental.
  19. nah man, it was more like i was walking through a place i left my cans from painting during the day and hit a quick fill on a piece of ply on my way out to dust a few scrap cans....then vomet rolled on me the next day....haha there was a jerks oneliner on the board, but it was too faded for me to see so whatever. i didnt really care, but it would seem that they did. sucks that jerks is away though, i actually liked his stuff.
  20. on another note, although this kid and his friends apparently arent too fond of me, im liking this one.
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