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Tyler Durden

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Everything posted by Tyler Durden

  1. .......insert "boondock saints" quote here: Rocco: Fucking... What the fucking fuck! Who the fuck fucked this fucking... How did you two fucking fucks... FUCK! Conner MacManus: Well it... certainly illustrates the diversity of the word. remind me to smack you next time i see you, dick.
  2. hmm....what are you going to accomplish with that exactly? get a "rep" for huntington? im sorry, but i just dont see the logic in what you said. however, if youd like to argue this in real time and keep the silly internet beef shit off here then feel free to send me your "point" via email...i think its in my profile or something.
  3. im not trying to "defend" anyone from anything here. of all people, why would i come to this islands defense? not like it matters anyhow, its online....if anyone really wants to "defend" some kind of "honor" that this place has, then by all means, wreck the shit out of highways and tracks. i dont really think too much else will change anything. you also seem to act like im making fun of huntington or something, all im saying is that the place has some bad rep as far as places on LI go and i've NEVER had a problem there whatsoever. and i'd think that if it was a "bad" area then a skinny white kid on a nice bike riding around late at night would have a problem...yet, i havent. so maybe theres something im not seeing, or maybe im just calling it like i see it and staying level headed. i could give a fuck about this island. and about 98% of the people on it.
  4. .........dude, huntingtons not even bad....or maybe its changed alot since the last time i was in that area.....................4 days ago.
  5. noooooooooooooooooooooooo..............REALLY?!?!?! this is of course....assuming that you meant to say "jocked".
  6. im too lazy to go into my email... the way i usually go about doing anything stencil related in PS is i just go to "image"------> "mode" and make sure that its in grayscale. then over to "image" ---------> "adjust" -------> "threshold". once your there just adjust it till it looks right. by the way, none of those stencils pictured were mine. they're of his girlfriends face.
  7. just for shits and giggles..... http://www.fotango.com/p/eba00279841f00000001.jpg'> http://www.fotango.com/p/eba00279841f00000002.jpg'> http://www.fotango.com/p/eba00279841f00000004.jpg'> http://www.fotango.com/p/eba00279841f00000006.jpg'> http://www.fotango.com/p/eba00279841f00000003.jpg'> dont fuck with the 12gauge street rats.......
  8. ..........dont forget cher...the inhuman bionic wench.
  9. i really do hate snow quite a bit. winter too....it was pretty fun fishtailing all over today though. i just dont give a shit about my car so i was kind of hoping it hit a telephone pole or snow plow. yes.
  10. fuck snow and fuck long island. frozen hellhole of death.
  11. http://www.oneseriousthreat.com/gallery/bwdope.jpg'> stolen from www.oneseriousthreat.com just because i keep going back to look at this. fucking nice. the 1ST gallery is definetly getting some nice stuff in it recently.
  12. Re: shit man!... dude, i dont think i know you or anything, but i dont think that you should be provoking this by saying anymore stuff. just let the people who are involved be involved and leave it at that. and i have seen a few scan fills around in the city. as far as them being freight nerds....if we had a real amount of trains here i'd paint them too. wouldnt you? and i've seen quite a few flicks of highways and shit by scan. so give him respect where its due for being up even if you dont like his style. there is a world outside of ny.
  13. yeah, i'm actually pretty impressed with 1ST, this whole fucking island is clogged with "rider owned" companies as far as bikes go and im really getting tired of everyone and their mom just being like "im gonna put out shirts." but 1ST is just making some nice shit, and with a minimum of shirts based around huge wildstyles on the front which is a defininte plus. i got a shitload of riding shots for you guys. just gotta get this scanner working.
  14. ok. you keep repeating things over and over. are you starting to realize how repetitive/pointless it is now? and im not going to drop my friends. i dont care about this stupid graffiti bullshit. they come first to me as friends and people so im going to stand by them. if you feel the need to keep saying these things over and over and over online. then just email me.... longislandsucks@hotmail.com OR you can DISCUSS it like a normal human being in REAL TIME on aim... ******* its still online, yes. and its still retarded. but its better than this fucking 12oz shit.
  15. if you mean have i seen their stuff before or whatever. then yes. i have. so i guess i know who some of the people in it are. did i know about their crew a year ago when i got put down in this one? no. i didnt. but i was told it was cool and all when i found out. then all this bullshit just starts up. so.....whatever. shit happens. time to deal with it in real life. bye bye people.
  16. ok.....i dont think i can make this any more clear. so this will the last thing i have to say on the topic and then im fucking done. if theyre going to come to LI and battle us or just diss our shit, go nuts. personally, i dont care. BUT IT SURE AS HELL BEATS THIS ONLINE BULLSHIT. i dont care what the crew that im in is called. i've said that before. i've said it to my friends. if it was up to me, i guess i might change it and no harm no foul or whatever. but this is not my decision. what IS my decision is to stand by the people i call friends. i like alot of the shit i see from va, and i like alot of shit from other places. but this is where i call home. for now at least. so with that said. come to LI and battle or diss or whatever you want to do. you've got your whole plan and i just plan to go about my life as normal. keep it graff.
  17. you seem to act like demo just out and outright stole your crew name. i didnt know about your mds until i was already IN this one. and i'm sure that demo didnt just jack your shit. i'm terribly sorry that he or i didnt go online to research the crew name in the first place. and for real, i dont care if you have friends in cali. we have kids down in washington. they didnt call us asking about you. if you want to discuss this further, i highly reccomend that you email demo and talk to him about it. because this is just pointless online bickering as of now.
  18. .........this is funny. b/d, are you actually IN mds? because its obvious that you know them at the very least. and everything i said before about if the mds virginia or WHEREVER kids have been around for 10 years and live that close to us then i'll respect that. even though its not wholly my decision. to tell you the truth, i dont really CARE what the NAME of the crew is. it's the PEOPLE in it that i'm FRIENDS with that matter. call it the fucking "lady marmelade" crew for all i care, i'm in it to laugh when od and dfect are drunk, listen to demo's battle plans and go out and fuck around. rag my shit (if you can find it, im not even up....) go nuts. like i give a fuck. chances are it took me under 5 minutes to do.
  19. Re: yellow vs. white see, like i said....deep shit. as far as there being another mds.....cool. i've seen most of their shit, i like it alot, especially skan 53.... but i mean......they're not here. and its demo's crew, but i'm going to wager a guess here that he did'nt know there was another mds when he made his....and we're not trying to front like we're down with them anyhow really. so i dont see any harm in it. on the off chance that i meet those guys somewhere down the line and they dont like it and want it changed or something....then i'll respect that i guess, we'll cross that bridge when we come to it, but like i said, i'm not the team captain here. i just stand by my friends. Man, Demo Sucks.....Autoerotic Masturbation in 2k3... fuck graffiti.
  20. dfect is a funny guy. perhaps he was trying to get you to consider how yellow on white kind of represents....like....ya know...alot of things in life. deep. fuckin deep.
  21. wait.....we're running? like jogging?
  22. haha...this is just for you dfect... http://www.fotango.com/p/eba00267921f00000027.jpg'> http://www.fotango.com/p/eba00267921f00000026.jpg'> http://www.fotango.com/p/eba00267921f00000024.jpg'>
  23. Re: ... http://www.fotango.com/p/eba00163153f00000002.jpg'> you CANNOT step to this shit. http://www.fotango.com/p/eba00163153f00000085.jpg'> the big huggable usually loveable 6fk and sebsy sebs rockin a daytime diddy. http://www.fotango.com/p/eba00163153f00000086.jpg'> fliz-OWWWW. http://www.fotango.com/p/eba00215899f00000018.jpg'> BLING BLING CASH DOLLAZ MONEY DAWG BARK BARK. thats enough of me. wait....one more.... http://www.fotango.com/p/eba00267921f00000023.jpg'> people discriminate against pirates. ass-pirate---> over and out.
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