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Posts posted by cornelius

  1. mannn this thread is here fo tt too be the biggest thread in the world..... i'ts the besste biggest thread i've ever seeen ..... and it succeeds... yeah.. it's the beiigg esst thread i've sen in my entire life... ever. nightowls.... yesssssireeeeeeeeeeeeee bob... i'm up at e 3 :310 three thirteen in the AM time dirnking rum.. weeeeeeee

  2. good job zack! assgasms 6 up in that shit.. seymoure butts style.. you know what's up. did you remember to fold her in half and stuff her inbetween the couch cushions? that shit's the best... and have you been using your business cards on girls at the park? jesus.. you should get back on AIM at night sometimes.. i'm the only one ever awake until 4 or 5 AM anymore.. not fun times.. anyway.. keep tearin that shit up zack.. my condolances go out to her asshole.. haha, and she's probably got the most rank farts in the world from all that semen lodged in her colon.. mung smellin... keep away from her for a couple days.. yeah i'm just babbling on, i'll stop now... take it easy zack.

  3. jesus....... everybody leaves before i get home... it's not even that late either... damn... i was nightowlin it outside tonight... i found some cardboard on the street and decided to sit down and draw out a story on it.... somethin about a girl and skulls and worms and dying... the usual shit from me... oh well.... just thought i'd report in and see how everybody was doin..

  4. hahaha.... damn that's garbage.... what would bible college teach you anyway? what skills would you have after graduating? what if you got a job working at some engineering company and you needed to do some measurements? what would you write down??? i don't think "WWJD" would cut it in the real world.... and i think the J-Man would want you to get a fucking life and live for yourself and not waste your time with a bunch of con-artists..

  5. ah.... i've got one of those too.... but i was flushing her kitten down the toilet.... that was back when i was about 3 or 4... but this aunt is super mormon..... so she's not into anybody in the entire family because we all pretty much don't make religion a top priority in our lives.... she's probably got 12 husbands and 8234 kids.... but oh well..... i'm gonna go chill out in hell with my laid back relatives..... i'd rather not be in heaven watching plays with the mormons on why stealing makes me feel bad.... ughh

  6. eh... i probably should know about cars.... seeing as how 2 of my uncles do stock car racing on the amateur tracks in north carolina..... one of those 2 builds go-karts as well... and 99% of my family is the usual greasy hillbilly type.. and they all work on cars... except for that one aunt that turned super mormon and moved to utah.... she hates the entire family and says we're all hethens and that we're going to hell... oh well..

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