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Everything posted by When

  1. Hey nerds and nerdettes hows things? same old shit here, halloween rocked and tomorrow is tattoo day once again hooray
  2. hilarious thread i must say. gold, pure gold.
  3. dont you know if you speak of the devil and he shall appear. anywho ive been pretty fucking busy with my full time job during the day and my full time commitment to hang out at the bar at night
  4. no shit huh. one of these days hows things alure? no time no talk, by the way my favorite color is still clear, ha and someone, i wouldnt even think twice about buying that shirt id go with my first thought of no
  5. whats the haps kids anything new? exciting? boring? congrats on the new job pistol its a good thing from time to time i still cant belive in all these years now we havent gone to the strip club or gotten a drink
  6. ill be tipping a few back for krie tonite i still cant belive this shit it wasnt your time buddy
  7. hey kids whats new, exciting and or different? by the way, snatch those two cars arcel the second one looks quite cancerous but woowee, fun project
  8. hi there women and children just stopped by to say hello got back from vegas just now, and getting ready to grill something up for myself to eat hows everybody been?
  9. just got home from work fucking blows i tell you, i can hear all the 6-17 year olds going to school yelling there fucking heads off i dont mind the younger ones they need to have fun but the older high school aged kids voices are pissing me off loud ass 'nigga this, nigga that' shit, just shut the fuck up already. well im off to bed i think
  10. well krie im now installing fiber optics and phone systems and whatnot its good work, i just needed a break and no, nothing is being built i sold every last piece of car/truck part i had lying around i want to start over new, i was just burnt out on everything who would have thought huh
  11. well last night was a company trip to the bar our salesman got me lit off of 7and7s along with quite a few jack and cokes fun times were had
  12. hey kids, long time no type? hows everybody doing these days? im doing well if anyone cares to know i kicked my girl to the curb, got a new job and a new place. doing much better now to say the least alot less bullshit now, but enough still to make it interesting. alright im out of here for now, ill try to be back later.
  13. i aint dead yet assholes long time no see there partners. yes the When has been away bet you all forgot about me huh? thought i was dead in a gutter, or over dosed on jager. well fuck you for thinking such horrible things. so kids hows it going around these parts? basically i havent been on here because i moved into a new apartment and have no internet access, so im up at the local junior college, stealing their bandwidth, yay for me. well i must be gettin' now, so ill check in with you kids from time to time to make sure everyone is playing nicely. g'nite kids.
  14. hey kids im off to the bar for free drinks and karaoke its friday night and the shit is tight and when is chillin on the westside bye bye now.
  15. speaking of myspace... i went out with this chick i met on there tonite i thought everything was going to be cool but no, thats not my luck. so girl comes to my house because we were just going to hang out she decided she doesnt want to just sit around so she tells me we should go to this bar near her house i agree and we roll well once we get there i know its bad news fucking cholos and other assorted assholes instead of going home i say what the fuck i might as well get a beer or something so she gets two shots of tequila and a corona and i get a newcastle we play a game of pool and everything is going fine but i can feel the cholos eyes burning holes in the back of my head we finish our pool game and sit back down at the bar i get another beer and so does she then this older lady walks up out of nowhere and tells girl 'nice shoes' in a sarcastic voice now ive never met the girl i was with before and have no clue how she is besides our emails and whatnot so she tells this older lady some shit and words were being traded between them voices escalating in volume the whole time and im thinking what the fuck is my whole role in this i decide to just sit there and be quiet and finish my cigarette now shits getting really ugly and everyone in the bar has turned there attention on them and some on me since they know im there with her not good. we get kicked out a few minutes later and a few of the cholos and the chick follow us outside the cholos start hassling me and girl and the chick are ready to throw blows basically it boiled down to me telling the 3 prick cholos who i know and them walking back inside with dicks tucked between their legs and me grabbing girl and taking her back to the car to go home so in the end it was pretty uneventful but a story none the less needless to say im definately going out with this chick again cause i think she would be wild in the sack
  16. you nerd im on myspace too im not sure why i signed up in the first place, but people love sending me messages for some reason
  17. hey atleast you two are thinking about me, and as we all know its the thought that counts id gladly give you my address alure if you would send me pictures of my girlfriend
  18. whats going on you bunch of nerds? long time no type basically i got burnt out on my job and told my boss that im quitting for a few months now im working at a friends company doing voice and data installations as well as fiber optics its a nice change of pace for me, even though the pay isnt great but i just got so fucking burnt out on the assholes and customers in the custom business i just snapped, but i dont think it could have happened any other way. so things have been cool lately and im actually going to buy a street bike in the next two months or so havent decided if i want the gsxr 750 or yamaha r6 fun fun fun
  19. is that one of the aliens from mars attacks? rock.
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