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Everything posted by anarky

  1. i wanna get in the pes5 battle..
  2. ok im going to start doing stickers again.. anyone have an interest in trading? starz.. i need more stickers from you.. id like to trade with the other name if hes even on here. this.. u kno the deal.. just lemme know if u wanna trade.. stars... u still have the picks of my old pack? cus when my puter crashe di lost all my sitcker pics.. thanks mang.
  3. hey if thats the real ghost ris aok hes a fuckin inovator of style.. if its not.. then yea its kinda week to post someone elses shit in here to try to clown people..
  4. this for theft.. fucker.. i hate his coloring..
  5. this i been hittin ur aim up fool.. your faulty ass 1993 motorola phone must not be aim compatible.. HoLLa at a playah.. i gotta proposition for u.
  6. theres one more for the theft battle still.. so hold your votes. -=) again i hate this. LoL.
  7. heres my submission for the theft battle.. i wanted to try sumthin dif.. i didnt break any rules did i?
  8. I'm down but you pick the word/rules Quoted post aiight homie since this my 1st one in a few months if its cool wit you let the word be like "theft" thats cool? if u want color do wat ever aint really no rules..try to have it in some time this week? if any of this aint cool let me know...aight Quoted post [/b] you this.. hit me on aim an lemme kno if i can get in this.. HoLLLlLLlaH.
  9. this.. stars.. can i get up in this battle? or is it only a two man thing? i been itchin to get back in here.. but i didnt kno you were back runnin it.. HoLLah. namesrockstar
  10. my man ceito.. finally -=P glad ur alive.. u still got my info.. hit me up sometimes player -=P
  11. Well it was a 2 on 2 fight between ***** and **** vs. ****** and **** but that little bitch life wouldn't fight. Pores at least tried. I wouldn't call it a jumping. Life just sat there and let his crewmate get beat. now that's pussy. Quoted post [/b] you kno.. before you start defending pores.. maybe u should know about HE tried to fight a girl.. thats real fucking tuff huh. -=\ everything happens for a reason and karma is a bitch.. trust me.. this wasnt just some bully shit.. there were reasons behind it..
  12. mlt for the mlt starz battle. -=P
  13. i got a total brain fart on this one.. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v119/namerocc/today/2028.jpg'>
  14. nice.. thanks joker.. see u on the 17th.. LoL.. he gave it up for donkey kong.. classic.. joker just a lil feedback.. when i first started writing .. i had this mag.. that had all these simples u did.. they were simple letters but funky.. i made it into my bookcover for my art book.. LoL.. so anyways.. part of my inspiration to write came from those letters.. i loves how u could see the letters.. but there wasnt a bunch of odds and ends all over them. like i said. i was done with the battle thread until sumthin special brought me back -=P thanks joker.
  15. Names + Joker Battle Royal (told u it would be something special to get me back in the battle thread) Due 9/17/04 full color semiwildstyle - fullwildstyle (take it as far as u want it) WORD - revenge (that work for you man or u want something shorter?) one on one battle.. its on like donkey kong -=P
  16. this didnt get his ass kicked.. shit i voted for him.. and im the one that supposidly kicked his ass. LoL.. it was close.. real close.. all in good fun.
  17. i have to vote for this on the name battle -=P
  18. battle 1 east battle 2 east battle 3 east battle 4 east looks like a sweep to me
  19. that shit is nice man.. very nice -=P
  20. names final battle http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v119/namerocc/2047.jpg'> thanks for all the fun guys. -=)
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