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Everything posted by Pistol

  1. the hitting every thread was ok. I missed it anyway as long as he doesen't play out the smileys. i guess. after him a few others started posting new smileys ALL OVER.:mad: perhaps a probationary period. he seems down though which is a good thing.
  2. Pistol's Votes Gnes = http://www.12ozprophet.com/ubb/icons/icon26.gif'> Glass Etch = http://www.12ozprophet.com/ubb/icons/icon26.gif'> I still never got to see any of gnes infamous chicks.:o
  3. nah man sounds familiar. I had hot dogs tonight no cafe stuff. vegan food?
  4. For Wonka http://www.freephoto-i.net/users/Pistol/DSC00299.JPG'> http://www.freephoto-i.net/users/Pistol/DSC00300.JPG'> http://www.freephoto-i.net/users/Pistol/DSC00302.JPG'>
  5. Tonight In Hollywood about 5 hours ago. Oolong Arrives. Near Pinks @ Melrose & La Brea and closer to the 101 freeway. http://www.freephoto-i.net/users/Pistol/DSC00296.JPG'> http://freephoto-i.net/users/Pistol/DSC00308.JPG'>
  6. Where the hell is Wonka I got something for him. I almost KHR'd Channel Zero. bastards
  7. Good thing I haven't said anything or at least never got caught saying nothing queer.:cool:
  8. m1st@k3 is using them all up in one night:o
  9. oh shit i think i was the one that asked for it. thanks. i looked for the old thread but remembered you deleted the addy to prevent overusage by everyone.
  10. WhenOne, did you ever take any pictures of the paintballed rat?
  11. Pistol


    NightOwls #1 :crazy: what up devilush?
  12. Look's like I missed alot after I started wathcing porn and fell to sleep.
  13. I'm not big on peanut butter candy. Seems too much like a school lunch to me. So before I K.O. Zack is a NightOwl now right? All he has to do is add it to his sig right?
  14. So long NightOwls. I think I'll go watch a porno then watch Nightmare before Christmas.
  15. I used to rock a fancy Mach something to shave my head clean for the fade. But since I don't do that anymore I stick to 99 cent only store packs. Gillete. 10 for .99
  16. I'm happy with my tool size. wonka, this guy made tons of digi images for us in the old bench.
  17. Zack's Got My Vote depends man. were you still driving? was your friend even in the car? were you in Mexico surrounded by Federales? were you butt naked next to a hot ass chick who's ass was sore from all the butt plundering? Zack just make sure you don't leave any part of your thing in the picture. I'd hate to be looking at chicks,cars,midgets then your shaved tool. :eek: Zack has my vote.http://www.12ozprophet.com/ubb/icons/icon24.gif'> where the hell is wonka? he hasn't posted in this thread yet.
  18. you got me there. the plate is infamous Zack. :lol:
  19. Mistake, you gotta stop getting banned man. WhenOne: someones gonna have to get sloppy seconds.
  20. :lol: That's NightOwl material right there. I say Zack is in.http://www.12ozprophet.com/ubb/icons/icon24.gif'>
  21. I believe Zack was the first to reply to this thread.
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