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Posts posted by alkaline

  1. bump.

    Hesh, check your mail. I think that you can just hang out at the Tea Garden. I never got a chance to go there the last time I was in SF.




    Stonecutters #1


    [This message has been edited by alkaline (edited 09-20-2001).]

  2. There is allegedly a velodrome a couple of hours away from my house that I would like to go check out. I think I’m gonna wait until I’m a little more comfortable on my track bike before I go race though. It sounds like a lot of fun.




    Stonecutters #1

  3. Joker, if it sounds bad, your bearings (sp) might need to be repacked. My brother is having the same problem right now. The guy that built his wheels did kind of a shoddy job with the hubs. But otherwise, Hesh is probably right. My chain/cog makes a little clicking noise when I spin real fast.




    Stonecutters #1

  4. Good luck, Hesh.


    I asked for a raise last Friday. I haven't heard anything from my boss yet. If I get it, there's gonna be some mad celebration.




    Stonecutters #1

  5. Here are a couple of articles my brother e-mailed me:



    by Ross, from Humidity, May 2000


    Between the road construction, the recent weather and the new stadium, Houston traffic is starting to look like New York. On a couple of recent evenings it's been so gridlocked I had to get on the sidewalk just to get through. And what's with the honking? All these people sitting in their cars seem amazingly angry about it.

    What could they possible have to angry about? They're sitting in a plush, leather armchair, a kickass stereo within reach, thick pile carpeting under their feet and a lot of them have a cold beer at their elbow. Sounds pretty comfy, especially when I'm outside getting soaked and blown around and hailed on in a "20% chance of thunderstorm(s)". I mean, it seems like they could be pretty relaxed, like sitting at home in your living room, so why the honking?

    I think it's because they're angry. Not just summer electric bill angry or even got a speeding ticket angry. We're talking deep seated, all the way to the soul, pissed off. Why? Because their entire value system, the basis of their strongest held beliefs, the foundations of their entire life are being shaken, and they are scared.

    When Mr. Honker was very young, about five or six, his dad took him over to the neighbours' to admire the neighbours' new car. Can you smell the new? Pop thought it was a great thing to have a new car and so it must be good. About the time Mr. Honker was 14, he started collecting car magazines and advertisements, picking out what kind of car he wanted and trying to match it with his self-image. A sport car, a pickup truck, a mercedes? What car would best show the world his personality. When he was older, he went to the car dealer and signed the papers and agreed to give GMAC a quarter of his income for five years and drove away in a new, shiny machine. And after 60 easy monthly payments, it was dirty and rusty and didn't work very well any more. But during the evening news, there was an advertisement for a new one, this one offered driving excitement, performance for type-A people, the biggest in its class. So he went back to the dealer and agreed to give up another quarter of his income.

    He's done this a couple of times but he has an empty feeling deep in his stomach. He is starting to realize he's been lied to. He spent all that money and bought this thing and it didn't change his life. He's still working in a cubicle, playing golf on the public course and can't afford season tickets. When he saw the TV ad for this car it was pulling up to a great restaurant with valet parking. It was full of beautiful people. Didn't they promise if he bought the car, he would become rich and well-endowed? They lied! Everybody's been lying, even Pop! It didn't work, something is wrong!

    And then some courier scum flies by his gridlocked car, on a damned BICYCLE! How much did that damned thing cost? 200 dollars? Spent 40 grand on this truck and some damn kid on a bicycle flies by, like he has some special right or something. Make him get back here, make him wait on the traffic with me, how dare he, he's not even making payments!



    You Might be a Bike Fiend. . .

    Or a biker yourself, or boffing a biker, or any or all three of the above. How to tell if courier culture has suddenly become your way of life.


    - all your clothes are gore-tex, or faded, or feature groovy reflective strips on the legs

    - you suddenly don't care about being sweaty because all your friends are just as grotty as you

    - there is a table at the Oak with your name on it

    - you really care when the discussion turns to Rock Shox versus Manitou

    - coffee is a food group

    - so is beer

    - your non-bike friends hold their breath when you appear

    - you meet someone, start dating, and realize it will never work out because they always take the bus

    - your ideal of physical perfection is 6'3" and 130 pounds

    - you would sooner smell the scent of bike bag than CK One

    - you refuse to be seen in public unless you are wearing at least one piece of clothing from Mountain Equipment Co-op

    - your opening line is, "can I borrow your allen key?"

    - ambition: to ride the Human Powered Rollercoaster

    - you go out of town for a vacation and the first thing you pack is your bike

    - when walking past a bike stack, you can tell who's inside without looking in the window

    - (in Tour de France season) you return from a day spent riding to sit in your living room full of bikes, and watch cycling on TV

    - your pockets are full of old waybills, bike tools, spare change and oh yeah, a U-lock

    - "eight inches of rear travel" doesn't have pervy connotations

    - you would sooner be dead than off your bike





    Stonecutters #1

  6. 12 months in a year, 12 inches in a foot, 12 pages like oh yeah! (in my best Macho Man Randy Savage voice)

    Take the job, Hesh. You’ll make some money. You’ll get some experience. You may even get a permanent job out of it.


    As for the first Stonecutters’ ride, there will be plenty of time to save money for the trip. I think Spring Break (or there about) sounds good. I can’t wait to see Joker all drunk and trying to ride while rockin’ the neon spandex. Incidentally, all those older people that usually take those wine tasting tours are in for a shock when we get out there. “I didn’t realize that people like that were allowed into Napa Valley.”





    Stonecutters #1

  7. I’m down for whatever. I’m not in school, so any time is okay for me. I just need a couple of months to scrape some money together. Are there good places to park around your house D’Lush? I’m trying to decide if I want to fly or drive. I don’t want to be waking up at 6 in the morning to go feed a parking meter. I’ve already ruled out Greyhound, because the last time I went anywhere on Greyhound, they overbooked and I got bumped off of three buses. I’ll probably fly. As the stonecutter travel agent, could you book me a flight, D’Lush? Just kidding! Ha.




    Stonecutters #1

  8. D’Lush, see if you can find some info on one of those wine tasting tours. That will provide hours of two-wheeled fun. Drunken cutters! What a riot! I might be investing in a front brake and possibly a smaller chain ring to deal with the hills. Either that or I’ll bring my other single speed, which is basically a 26” BMX. Maybe I’ll bring both.




    Stonecutters #1

  9. I’ll be on my track bike. I’m a little freaked about all the hills, though. First I’ve got to get my skinny ass up ‘em, then I’ve got to pray like hell that I can slow myself on the way down. Ha! I may have to make some modifications.




    Stonecutters #1

  10. Like I said before ... I could go either way (Niagra, Colorado, or SF). In light of this morning's events, I'm not sure if the Niagra is such a good idea (they currently have the border shut down). Maybe we should all just meet in the middle (Colorado).


    Hesh and Willy, are you guys okay ... I can't imagine you are working much today.


    D'lush, hit my IM if you want to talk.




    Stonecutters #1

  11. 11 like what!


    It looks like SF is winning. I'm down. Wine tasting sounds fun. I haven't been to Cali in a while. I might drive.




    Stonecutters #1

  12. That’s good enough for me, Seeking. You’ve got my vote to be a stonecutter. It’s funny that there is a whole separate thread on the stonecutters. Hesh, I’ve been in your shoes. There’s nothing else in the world that can make you crazier than doubt (especially self-doubt). Keep your head up. So what city do we all want to ride in (for the group ride)? You guys are more than welcome to come to Austin (if you want) and stay with me. I’ve got plenty of room for everyone, and I live real close to downtown Austin. When are we gonna do this.




    Stonecutters #1

  13. I’m down for Niagra or San Fran. Niagra is closer for Hesh and Willy. I’m kind of in the middle, so I’ll go either way. I’d like to do some camping too, if possible.




    Stonecutters #1

  14. Willy, that would be so killer. I've never been to New York or Canada. Money is a concern for me too, but I was gonna plan a vacation soon anyways, so within the next month or two, I should have the funds. Right now I’ve got about 30 bones to last until next Friday, and I’ve got a house guest this weekend. Has anybody thought about going to Colorado? That could be fun too.




    Stonecutters #1

  15. Hey Seeking,

    The size of your bike depends more on your inseam measurement then on your overall height. Check out this link from the REI website. It’s fairly informative, but your best bet is to go to a shop and try a couple of bikes in your price range. Good luck.


    Stonethrower #1 ... That's funny.




    Stonecutters #1

  16. That guy kicks so much ass! As for getting a messenger job, that's all part of my plan. I'm working at an office job right now so I can make some money. In a year or so, I might move to a city that has a larger messenger scene, so I can get a job easier. As far as I know Austin only has 1 messenger company (with only a few wmployees) so the odds are stacked against me. Then again, maybe I'm just using my plush job as a crutch.




    Stonecutters #1

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