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Posts posted by alkaline

  1. Okay, so, apparently Serrota still makes a custom track frame specifically for bike messenger purposes. See your local dealer, as they have to be custom ordered.

  2. Hey, Joker, there are a lot of companies that make shoe covers and waterproof socks. The problem (so I've heard) is that they don't breathe very well. You may not get wet from the rain, but your feet will be soaked with sweat. Unless you have the time to dry out your feet after a ride, this could be potentially bad (athlete's foot and all that).


    Try a few out and see which ones you like.


    Pearl Izumi Typhoon Bootie


    Pearl Izumi Amfib Shoe Covers

  3. What’s up, World? Damn, guys, you sure posted a lot since I left work last night at seven. Lets see if I can cover it all.


    Hesh, I would go with the threadless stem and fork. Joker is right. It seems that more and more manufacturers are moving away from the quill type stems. If I was gonna build a new bike from the ground up, I would definitely get the threadless setup. Incidentally, broken bikes (or anything for that matter) are the best catalyst for buying new things.


    As far as the Surly frame goes, Hesh pretty much summed it up. The other reason that a lot of people are into them is the color. I can’t tell you how many people I meet that say the color of that frame is the reason that they want to buy it. I know that kind of stuff shouldn’t matter, but lets face it, when your bike looks cool, you feel better about yourself when you’re riding it.


    That video with the bridge is soooo funny. I’ve never seen that before. I bet that water was real cold.


    On the subject of sports drinks, I personally like Cytomax. I’m a sucker for sweet tasting drinks (I’m a sugar freak). Another good drink (although some of you may argue with me on this) is Gatorade. Originally Gatorade was meant to be watered down when used for a recovery drink. Mix three parts Gatorade (original flavors … not that blue ice crap) and one part water to get a sweet (but not too sweet) drink that helps replace sugars and salts in your body. I usually stick to Orange Gu for food when I’m riding. I’ve found that Power Bars and Clif bars are too heavy for me. If I do eat a bar afterward or while resting for a bit, I like Balance Bars. They have better flavors in my opinion.


    I don’t know if any of the cycling glove companies make them, but if you can find gloves with Gore WindStopper™, BUY THEM. I bought a pair of WindStopper™ gloves last winter, and they worked great.


    It looks like I’ll be moving to Houston next year. I’ll have to get used to the crippling humidity and the traffic (still not as bad as L.A.), but I will also have an opportunity to be a bike messenger and be close to my lady. I’m very excited about this. No more driving back and forth (between Austin and Houston) on the weekends. Hopefully that extra free time can be spent doing something a bit more productive … like racing at the velodrome in Houston. Yeah.

  4. Hey, THE LAW, buy a cheap light and a sturdy bag. I can't tell you how many times my little battery powered light (CatEye) has helped me out. If you were already drunk though, there’s no amount of advice that could have helped you on that particular evening. Beer + Bike = Lots of falling … believe me, I know. Miller Lite now comes in plastic bottles (at least here in Texas) if you’re into Miller Lite.

  5. Hey, Cinnamon, those are some killer pics. That looks like a lot of fun. The other day I got a check in the mail that I wasn’t expecting, and this weekend I almost bought a straight bar for my track bike. It would have looked all weird; like a mix between a road bike and a mountain bike. So I took my bike down to the shop I used to work at and all the customers are freaking out. “Wow! Is that your bike? How do you ride that with only one gear? Where are the brakes?” I tell you what, that was some crazy shit. I ended up not replacing the bar, and I still can’t find a front brake, but it was really nice to be able to go to the shop again and buy the things that I need. I almost bought a new bike (with gears, for those easy days), but I talked myself out of it so I could buy a ticket to SF. What an exciting weekend … too bad I didn’t get anything done.

  6. Originally posted by boxcarwilly

    ah the boredom after work.


    That seems to be my problem lately. All I’ve been doing is working and sitting around the house all bored (cause I’m really broke right now).


    I’ll be practicing my track stands (no handed and otherwise). I also want to learn how to skid. Do you guys have any advice for that? I don’t need to be a “clifford the jew curl noisecore maniac “ but any tip would help.


    I’ve never been skiing or snowboarding. It sounds like a lot of fun.

  7. Are any of you guys good at track stands? I was trying to do it the other day, because I was real bored (yes I was in my living room, watching TV, trying to do a track stand). I just kept falling over. Does anybody have some tips on mastering the track stand? I sure would like some help.

  8. Good to see you back, Willy. That sure is a bummer about crashing like that (see my crash story above). Hope things start to go a little better. I need to ride more, but my leg is still bruised and hurting. Fuggit.

  9. Wow! It's great to see that everybody is doing good. My arm is healing up nicely (I'll have a couple of little scars, and we all know that chicks dig scars), and I'll be back on my bike tomorrow. I think I'd like to start racing too. Maybe this will be my year. I need to get a bike with gears before I race though, because I know I'd get dropped fast on my fixie. What dates are we looking at for the Stonecutters' Ride? I need to buy my ticket (as soon as I get the money).

  10. The other day I wrecked on my bike. I was on my way home from work (I’ve been riding to work a lot lately cause the weather has been real nice), and I misjudged a turn (I actually judged it fine, but I couldn’t slow down in time) and slammed into a curb. I flipped over the bike and landed on the pavement with my right arm under my chest. When I hit the ground, the outside part of my elbow was smashed under me. For about 2 seconds, I couldn’t move my fingers, and I was afraid I had broken my arm. As it turns out I just bruised and cut it real good. I’m sure I looked a bit crazy riding the rest of the way home with blood dripping off my arm and leg.


    Moral of the story: I love riding my bike. It’s always an adventure.

  11. <-- checkin in ... just trying to make it through the day. Whoa! This new board is killin'. I can't believe that Hesh is "crew" now. Bump from the second page.

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