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Everything posted by Fondles

  1. http://img34.photobucket.com/albums/v102/gooose/lilbat.gif'>
  2. lil flip is on http://ontoptv.com/ RIGHTNOW!! gameover. naruto 85 is out. sasuke is a pussy. i twisted my ankle the other day. its better now. i played ff2 for about 1 hour earlier. the dark elf will die. i just ate some ramen with crackas. mmm saltines. as im typing this lil flip left and was replaced by beyonce. mmm beyonce. i washed my passport yesterday!blargh!i ate some fried wings earlier with ranch instead of hotsauce. it wasnt too bad.
  3. http://home.comcast.net/~rickjamesb1tch/fh39ew.jpg'> till i get a real pic of me on there to fully represent the funkness of the knightbats, the man on the far right will hold it down
  4. Knight Rider a la vectorola http://home.comcast.net/~rickjamesb1tch/Knytryder.jpg'>
  5. did you know any chinese before you moved? i'm considering doing the same thing you did in a year or so, only to japan.
  6. still here and awake..its 7 am...doing vector work via Illustrator (CS 11 NIGGHHAAAAA) http://img34.photobucket.com/albums/v102/gooose/lilbat.gif'>
  7. iquit: yeah sorry boss, he's talkin bout me. But it's all good. I'm bangin his girlfriend. http://img34.photobucket.com/albums/v102/gooose/lilbat.gif'>
  8. i went to sleep at 4 after i got back from the beach. just woke up bout an hour ago.
  9. ok pumpkin. we'll have it your way. don't cheat fucker.
  10. nothing stops you. but jesus. wwjd? exactly.
  11. As an official and OG KnightBat, I accept your challenge. *chops air* Begin!
  12. im still awake. doing work shit in photoshop. fun. p.s. http://img34.photobucket.com/albums/v102/gooose/lilbat.gif'>
  13. I'm a Veteran trapped in a Junior Member body. Knightbats own you. http://img34.photobucket.com/albums/v102/gooose/lilbat.gif'>
  14. http://img34.photobucket.com/albums/v102/gooose/lilbat.gif'>
  15. __________________________________THE ILLUMINATI http://img34.photobucket.com/albums/v102/gooose/lilbat.gif'>
  16. yooo i was playin et earlier and it was like panzer merc youre dead snipe merc youre dead i was awesome and im drunk ok. im out of remy and abc liquor is closed shit fuckd. no more sprite eiather. shit. maybe ill get the animated gif on later. nuggah what .
  17. http://home.comcast.net/~rickjamesb1tch/KNIGHTBATS/Knightbats2.gif'> ^o^ ^o^ ^o^ ^o^ ^o^ ^o^ ^o^ ^o^ ^o^ ^o^ ^o^ ^o^ ^o^ ^o^ ^o^ ^o^ ^o^ ^o^ ^o^ ^o^ ^o^ ^o^ ^o^ ^o^ ^o^ ^o^ ^o^ ^o^
  18. http://home.comcast.net/~rickjamesb1tch/KNIGHTBATS/Knightbats2.gif'>
  19. Knightbats runnin tings. but this knightbat needs to sleep. i have the huge responsibility of waking up and doing nothing tommorrow. night.
  20. http://home.comcast.net/~rickjamesb1tch/KNIGHTBATS/Knightbats1.gif'>
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