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shameless self promotion

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Posts posted by shameless self promotion

  1. So some friends/coworkers and I went to a professional conference down south couple years ago. We had booked our rooms a good four months in advance, but upon getting there, we learned that we were not saved a room, did not have any information saying that we had paid for a room and the hotel had no space for us due to a college fraternity having a large meeting there at the same time. Well after waiting three hours for them to figure everything out they call us in from lounging at the pool to tell us they have a large suite for us and everything will be alright. They give us some keys, like actual keys not cards and send us on our way, without taking down our info or making us pay anything.

    We get to our room and its two large beds with shitty/bloody mattresses and a roll out cot with a giant hole in the middle of it. Walls that are half stripped to the studs and a non working toilet. The banister running to the upstairs room is just laying on the stairs. Its a shithole.

    Pissed off we head off to the hotel bar and proceed to get supremely fucking shitfaced and start shit with every fraternity douche we can find. This leads to us hanging off the side of the balcony of the upstairs bedroom drinking, hurling insults/untensils/shelving/anything we can throw at anyone going through the pool area. Thanks to the fraternity, we had tons of people down below to belittle and harass. They seemed to be generally ignoring us as best they could for the most part...

    Well partway through this what looks to be a state trooper arrives walking down the path near us and my coworker comes running back onto the balcony from his passed out state to fire this banana wildly into the air.....landing a mere half foot from this troopers front foot.

    Immediately the trooper has his flashlight out and in pointed in our direction, most of us, except my extremely inebriated coworker is out of sight the second the banana hit the ground.

    Too drunk and too slow, the dude is looking like Barry Sanders, trying to shudder shake the cop, dead center of glow of his flashlight. "STOP RIGHT THERE!" The cop comes walking over. From beside the door we can hear the cop say "Son, what in HELL do you think you are doing?"

    No response.

    "Well let me tell you something SON, down here in SOUTHERN GEORGIA, we treat our law officers with a little RESPECT!"

    My coworker lets out a slight laugh.

    The rest of us almost shit our pants laughing.

    "If I hear another complaint about you and your DIPSHIT friends, well, Im going be coming back here with some of MINE. And we'll see how much laughing you do!"

    Trooper walks off into the night with us laughing hysterically.

    Our plan of assulting the frat kids is squashed. A new target is found in minutes when a dresser comes rolling down the stairs onto the main floor. We proceeded to put dresser drawers through the walls, use the broken banister as a battering ram and complete much of the teardown process that the hotel had already started before we arrived. We broke down doors, put a new door way between the bathroom and the kitchen, every dish, ever glass broken..it was insanity.


    The next morning we awoke to the place looking like a bomb had literally gone off it in. My coworker had to give a presentation in three hours. We all looked at eachother, packed up our shit and left for the airport.

    We told our company that our flight was cancelled, and wouldnt be able to make it down there in time. They had someone else do the presentation.

    We were never contacted by the hotel, as they literally had no fucking clue who they had put in that room. Another coworker later mentioned that she got upgraded to a suite room that weekend after a fraternity was kicked out of the hotel for causing problems...:lol:


    Sorry for the long read.

    • Like 2
  2. haha..they played a good game.


    Probably one of the best ones I have seen them play this year. I had my hands over my eyes during the second and third. After that ottawa game...nuff said.


    I think we are a soft team. Boyle, cally and prust are our main physical guys, and boyle the only one who is actually a "big" guy. We were clearly undersized compared to that sharks team. Rupp, stall and sauer getting heathly will help. Looks like Avery will be playing again starting thursday.

    Probably not the timeliest comment from Joe, but I think he was pretty close to the truth.:o

  3. If I remember correctly they find out the doctor is harboring his family (zombies now) in the the old barn out back. He still thinks there could be a cure.

    It freaks out everyone and they dip out.



    If I remember right..

  4. All of those trucks have shitastic wheels IMO.


    I dont care if have huge ass balloon tires mated with press on hubcaps...20s with rubber band tires on a truck makes me cringe every time.








    Half of the "classic" truck drivers have the inability to think outside of the chromed wheel.

  5. Yeah. I dont know yet. Not sure if Im going to do much to it. Im still in love the with the sound of my zx/a lot easier to work on. Ive done a lot of work on it and have alot of parts for it I havent gotten around to putting on. I dont want to lose focus and start into the 350.

    Maybe ill find some nice fitting wheels/pop charger for Christmas. Gonna try and just enjoy it in stock form for now.

    I will find a nav system for it though very soon. Everything I find though is upwards of $600.00...meh.

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