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Posts posted by Devilush

  1. Originally posted by alure

    woohoo i'm special..hahaha.. who can pass a deal like that eh? either way..i'd definatly let you know if i was going there ..to catch up on a few beers with you! ;]


    i can babysit your kid while you get tattooed! :)


    just an idea. its too early in the morning for me. damn me for being sick. :o

  2. Originally posted by vinyl junkie

    wonka... my knowledge of traditional japanese tattooing is limited, but here's what i know...

    first off, what is commonly seen as koi are actually supposed to represent carp...

    carp swim upstream at pone time of the year to spwan, and downstream 6 months later for the eggs...

    one direction sometimes has a green/brown/yellow spiral on the forehead, which is supposed to represent moss, and it will only be associated with the fish swimming one direction... for the same reason (seasons, time of the year, there will only be cherry blossoms when the fish is swimming the other direction...

    like i said, each direction has a specific meaning, but i don;t know what it is...

    if you see any tradintional japanese full body suits that feature carp, a lot of times you'll see fish swimming up on one side of the body, and swimming down on the opther... from what i understand, this is supposed to represent birth and death, and the cycle of life...


    so word...

    also, if the tattoo is intended to be koi and not carp, then the whole idea of saying that one is unlucky and the other lucky is total bullshit, as there are no spiritual/religious based tattoos that traditionally feature koi... unless it's specifically a local thing...


    maybe you should show up too. daniel is showing up and bringing a friend that lives two blocks away from there.


    this is really good information. i had no idea. and the tattoo is intended to be a koi and not a carp so it is all bullshit aside.

  3. Originally posted by alure

    dlush..i hear ya on doing things for the better..i hear that..thats why i moved to the east coast now..


    ohh sleeves are so hot!!!!..


    i know. i just needed to re-evaluate my life. and i did! it was hard though....


    p.s. good for you. sometimes you need to make major changes like that in order to get focused.


    hell yes sleeves are hot. i cant wait!

  4. ^mr tuesday at temple tattoo in oak-town.


    hahahah daniel told me he was talking to you and he mentioned that i was the only person that calls him that. he LOVES it.


    which one is your bar? i dont think i have anything to do on sat except culinary school orientation (not me, i am supporting someone in their life plans).

  5. Originally posted by alure

    dlush... thats so funny cause whenever i see drew i also think of when, which is usually when i'm looking at mags.. i always think of cutting them out and mailing them to him.. and i have two postcards that i have of her..from long time ago and i think he'd appreciate them more then me..but i cant seem to give them up..cause shes a hottie.. i like jane.. how ya doin hun?


    aw your too cute (clippin and sendin those drew pics). i'd keep the postcards if i were you ;)


    i'm doing good. life's been hard lately, but for the last week or so, i've made a decision that drastically has changed my life for the better. so things are looking up. the hubby got a part time gig as a bike messenger (back to it again for the summer), its been a while since he could land something that paid. hahaha.


    i'm getting my upper sleeve done next week. i have more cash now so i'm saving up for a flat with a back yard...bbqs!


    alure, you should post flicks of your lil man!

  6. Originally posted by EarMuffs

    thats ok i jerked off in your bed this morning


    buahahahaha he got you there oatster.


    shoes? i dont have much sneakers. its okay, i'm sure you boys dont wanna see heels. too boring.

  7. who were you with?

    my sister


    who's video was it and where were you?

    it was my dad's video and it was in his sock drawer


    how old were you?



    were you nervous?

    hell no. we popped that shit in.


    was it meaningful?

    hahaha no.


    first impression?

    wow japanese guys have small penis'


    (it was a tracy lords video where she is gang banging like 4 girls and 4 guys. two of each were japanese and the other 2 each were swedish. they had sex in the bathroom and took some elephant figurine and stuck it up one of the japanese girl's ass. i was impressed at that age. i didnt know what the hell was going on.)

  8. Originally posted by Devilush

    why oh why am i replying to this...but oh well here i go...


    i'm about 4'11 to 5'0 feet. i like to round up the height a bit. i'm a little shorty, and that's the truth. i have black hair, but in the sun it shows speckles of brown and auburn...past shoulder length, straight on good days. and layered a bit. i like to keep my hair down. but today is up in a ponytail. dark brown eyes. straight teeth, my momma's so proud of me...didn't need the braces nor the retainer. saved her money. i'm not gonna describe my breasts. i'm totally petite. light brown skin, i'm a filipino...if anyone cares about race. my boyfriend says that i have nice thighs and a nice ass. but that's my boyfriend, he can say that. but i do have an ass for an asian. and i also have a tat on my tailbone. wear lip gloss, sometimes lipstick. and eyliner everyday. it accentuates my almond shaped eyes. no more make up other than that.

    how i dress: usually i don't dress like a writer. i gave up the baggy clothes a long time ago. so right now i wear classy, no patterns. hoop earrings are everyday. my watch is one of those punk rocker thick banded watches made by guess. nails are sometimes done, french manicured done by myself. today i am wearing my white shirt that says d'lush in red letters under a bright red tight hoodie. 3/4 sleeve length. and black pants with boots. i love denim...dark denim. i wear it all the time. i love tank tops. and dresses and also skirts are a big plus for me, with shirts, nothing too flashy. i also wear glasses sometimes. they are the ones with turtoise shell color with the oval frame. i think i look dorky in them, but my boyfrriend prefers them on me, he says that i looks so sexy.

    on my down time, or when i bomb, or when i'm out biking, i wear my denim or wind breakers folded up or scrunched up with a tank top and old school shoes.

    i think that's it.

    the only person that has seen me on this forum is skotrel, and he's a real good friend of me and my boyfriend.


    wow. i have not changed.

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