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Posts posted by Devilush

  1. what the fuck is up with all their names?


    Maddox Chivan Jolie-Pitt

    Zahara Marley Jolie-Pitt

    Shiloh Nouvel Jolie-Pitt


    yea try this one!



    Vietnamese press claim that that the boy is named Pham Quang Sang and will be renamed Pax Thien Jolie. Pax means "peace" in Latin and Thien is "sky" in Vietnamese. Local press also reports that Jolie's new son cried and hid during the official ceremony, and that the actress comforted him in Vietnamese. Jolie's other adopted son, Maddox, was also present. Jolie and her two children finished the ceremony by 10 a.m. local time and then returned to their hotel.


  2. im pretty normal! well i think i am...i mean i have some tattoos...no weird peircings. i dress up a lot (skirts, pretty dresses, heels) because im corporate. and im pretty nice...sometimes. im not a pot head or a drunk anymore. and im a mom, that makes home made meals with mashed potatoes and gravy and makes home made cookies.


    if you had asked me this question a couple of years ago, i would have had a completely different answer.

  3. does she have postpartum depression? i mean, not to defend her lazy parenting but maybe thats why she smokes weed. or she could just be a complete dumbass and im sorry for insulting her but thats my take on it.


    and no, 7 months is not too early. by 7 months that little girl should be able to follow your face, react to voices, blabber, smile, drool, touch, raise her hands when she wants to be carried, be able to crawl, start eating pureed foods, hell...even starting to pull herself up on furniture!....etc. well, thats what my son was doing when he was 7 months old.


    i just dont understand it when people dont take on the full responsibility of being a parent. or just simply dont care of the well being of their offspring.

  4. my cousin recently had a baby. his father smoked weed all the time so he didnt see a problem with his wife smoking weed throughout her pregnancy. so little man is born and is almost blind as a bat.

    he now has thick ass coke bottle glasses strapped to his head so he doesnt run into walls.

    he looks like a 1 year old mr magoo.


    that makes me so angry. do women not care about healthy babies anymore? or read up on what not to do when you are pregnant? it must not be common sense for some people i guess. fuck.

  5. i hated doing laundry when we lived in the city. we had a laundry facility in the basement and half the time it was broken or would eat up the quarters. one time we even found maggots in the washer. we blame the gutter punk kids for that one because they were before us.


    now since we have our own place, we own a washer and dryer big enough for comforters. its pretty awesome doing laundry at home.

  6. also if you cant afford extensive pet care, there's some type of credit/insurance for it. i forgot what it was called. ask a vet, they'll know.


    vets are usually good about figuring out a way for you to pay them back. they are more concerned about the pets health first and foremost then the money later.


    well thats how it is out here and with my experience.

  7. Most Likely to Succeed: all of you are doomed to fail

    Mr./Mrs. 12oz: dee38 and me /hellahomo

    Most Talented: all the boys in paperchase.

    Most Talkative: sneakandcreep, lens, and eastbay..and some1. and sorry homie but PGW. in real life he talks a lot.

    Class Clown: mero

    Best Sense of Humor: mero cracks me up

    Most Original: are you kidding?

    Most Artisticalz: dancengrafz

    Best looking Female: i dunno, most of the females on this site are pretty hot. but some of their personalities make them the most ugliest bitches.

    Most Athletic: spyd

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