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suburbian bum

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Posts posted by suburbian bum

  1. ok just 3 more.


    The sky.







    The only problem with my pics is that they probably look a lot worse on other people's monitors. I have mine always set on really dim. Like 30% brightness 30% contrast. On higher settings they look too washed out.

  2. I do enjoy that stuff a lot. Abandoned buildings, construction sites, big storm drain tunnels. ETC. IM not part of and stupid UE club or somthing i just do it for fun when i want to. I didnt know people actually had it as a special hobby.

  3. OH yeah, I also have to pump up my tires everytime i go out because they are both flat. For some reason im just too lazy to fix my bike its a bad thing. Cause that bike cost me like 600 bucks and its falling into disrepair.

  4. Currently my shocks are broken so i ride with them totally bottomed out all the time because they have an air leak in them. If i shift into first gear the chain goes off the gear. I have to shift 2 gears to make the chain move 1 gear then sometimes it shifts withought me pedaling. But damn I haave so much fun on my bike. I like to go out in the pouring rain and just haul ass and then do crazy ass skids on wet pavement.

  5. I got my bike stolen because i left it infront of my house for about 3 weeks, it lasted 2 weeks there. Ive been doing that my whole life, i left my 500 dollar snowboard out for a week and i didnt get stolen, i never worried about that shit. So anyways, my other bike has 2 really slow flats im too lazy to replace the tubes so every time i ride it i have to spend 5 mins pumping up the tires.

  6. One thing that makes me mad is the band The Used. They suck. The lead singer would have a cool voice if their songs didnt totally suck lyrically and musically. Another reason they make me mad is that this one totally boss girl at my school has a crush on the lead singer. Thats stupid. Hes stupid.


    Anal cunt and shakira are the only things i will listen to for days. I also listen to hopesfall and discordance axis a lot. I hope to start a hardcore band. But im going to write songs about nature. Because nature is pretty fucking boss. It makes me want to scream. With joy that is.

    But im not going to name my band soul chugger 666 or Destroyer or slasher or gasher or any of that stupid shit. No fuck that my bands going to be named something really cool.

    Metal head bands with the guys in leather pants and long hair are fucking stupid, have you seen how they try to look angry and speak like shakespeare. Thats wasting life. You should be enjoying life and not trying to be all metal.

    Why do all guys in metal bands either have long hair or a shaved head and wear sunglasses. Do they feel that they have to look like this to fit societys standards?

    Steve austin is cool.

  7. Originally posted by Obsessed



    Originally posted by suburbian bum

    one isnt really a big deal, but once it gets to more than 3 i start to feel bad.




    hahahhaha nice catch

  8. HAHAHA, this thread remind me of my job. We always useing tools, and one of my bosses who talks like he is gay always says funny shit. Like.

    "Hey thats improper tool usage." or

    "Come over here and pack this dirt with that rod."


    Hmm i cant think of funny ones, but when you are there its really funny.

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