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Fox Mulder

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Everything posted by Fox Mulder

  1. Fox Mulder

    Yard Safety

    don't get angry, i said no one would probably know. i was just wondering if this was something i didn't know about, like people do it for fun or something.
  2. Fox Mulder

    Yard Safety

    i have a question. this weekend i was benching in the woods just outside of a pretty active yard. and this car pulls up and a girl is driving and a guy who looks like he is maybe 20 gets out and the girl drives away. he looks at me and just starts walking the path in the woods. i watch him walk down a little then lose sight of him. mean while there is a line sitting on the first track so i can't see shit on any of the other lines. about 20 minutes go by then the train pulls out. and since it just started moving its going real slow. then i see the guy run out of the woods. hop on the back of one of the new white tropicanas. he goes around the back. so then i think oh this dude is hopping. but he doesn't have a bag or anything. like 10 seconds later he jumps off. and goes back into the woods. anyone know why this guy did this? he didn't look like a bum. and if he was going to hop why did he get off plus he had no bag. i looked on the back of the car he hopped on to see if he had tagged it or something but he hadn't. i'm guessing no one on here will know why but oh well.
  3. kabar i was just asking because you seemed to have a problem with stealing from a large corporation but not a problem with painting on them. both things cause the business to lose money. i personally don't see anything wrong with writing or stealing from large companies.
  4. Kabar do you write? if so, how do you justify that?
  5. Fox Mulder

    Yard Safety

    the railroad never sleeps. they move shit 24/7
  6. Fox Mulder


    a lot of people deny that they have a problem so they don't go to AA
  7. Fox Mulder


    it starts being a problem when it interferes with your daily life(job, family, relationships). and a lot of people who are alcoholics will deny that they have a problem. everyone knows that but oh well. you sound like you don't want to have a drinking problem, and you will know when you have one. many alcoholics could at one point would have been able to see but they gradually slip into denial.
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