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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/20/2012 in all sections

  1. Guess this dipshit decided to finish ruining his ugly mug.....
    2 points
  2. ... Since the beginning of time^^^^
    1 point
  3. yo do any of yall ever go 2 the movies by yourself? not because u dont have anyone 2 go with or anything tho. like, ever since i was in jr. high ive never been 2 a movie without a girl with me. girls in all stages of the game ive taken 2 movies-, casuals, gfs, fuckbuddy, dates. w/e i guess i just always thought it was weird 2 be by yourself ive never been 2 a theatre by myself, but i enjoy watching movies by myself the most. anyways, i just rolled this blunt and am gonna go catch the late night showing of Lincoln. will be back with details. late
    1 point
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