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Stereotype V.0002

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  1. I have to ask, whats the point of emphasizing this?
  2. All the radical left wing talking points aside, people in the military are in service of their country. And the argument that everyone in the military was forced in because of financial reasons is bullshit, you make a significant amount more at mcdonalds than you do as a private in the US army.... and even military families are trying to talk their kids out of joining. But it is a waste trying to make this argument, its easier for people like you to think that everyone in the military must have been suckered or forced in as opposed to having convictions they are willing to back up, so whatever floats your boat.
  3. Being in the military doesn't automatically make you a saint, there are shitty people there just like anywhere else. Regardless if you support the war they are fighting or not, respect for people who are doing incredibly dangerous and difficult work in service of their country shouldn't be too complicated of a concept to understand. The fact that most people look down their nose at service in the military as some sort of manual labor low class job beneath them, the blind hatred or contempt many have of everyone in the military, and an ignorance of what the military is, says a lot about our society.
  4. Absolutely, and the reasons that people in my country use to justify an immediate withdrawal from Iraq are completely idiotic....everything from pretending that the levels of violence havent changed recently, that the violence is being directly caused by the US and if we leave everyone will get along, every middle eastern army will adopt humane policies and form a peacekeeping force and run to iraq's rescue, or that if the US begins to withdraw it will put pressure on the iraqis to unify and reject violence as if they have just been dicking around the past 5 years. my healthy liver, you are just being douchey but in case you are actually not able to understand I will write it more simply. The levels of violence in iraq have gone way down there, so while this is bad for those who don't support a US presence in Iraq, for the americans who are going or may be going to iraq in the near future a lower level of violence is a good thing for them. As for the international law, take a look at the UN mandate for multi national forces-iraq, or the recent agreement signed between the US and Iraqi gov that replaced it.
  5. Well I don't know about the 300 year quote, but here is the full 100 year one.. "as long as Americans are not being injured or harmed or wounded or killed" just doesn't have the same ring to it! Funny stuff.
  6. First of all it is stupid on our part to see the middle east as strictly divided between sunni and shia, just because regional powers have inflamed the masses into violence with each other for their own interests in the past few years.....there are many examples of cooperation towards a common goal. For iran- the Assad family may be shia but syria is a sunni nation that is closely allied with iran right now. Iran was supposed to be mortal enemies with the sunni taliban a decade ago, yet now they are arming them in order to kill the americans and ISAF. Iran isn't playing a role in assisting AQI, but they do harbor many high level al qaeda members who fled Afghanistan in 01 under the guise of house arrest. Anyways I am pretty sure mccain said what you were talking about once, then immediately corrected himself. But having your "misstatements" covered by the media sure beats having your actual foreign policy (or lack thereof) being just as naive and ignorant. Obama is already toning down the rapid withdrawal talk, but I still think the eventual debates between him and mccain will be entertaining.
  7. Yeah, obama isn't playing politics at all. Good call. But let's look outside the box for a second to answer your question.... perhaps its because surge has reduced the violence in iraq and the numbers of Americans being killed, and instead of relying on their personal emotions and biased coverage of the war, they are confronted with whats actually happening.... or perhaps its because Obama and Clinton are only saying they are going to end the war when they are trying to get the highly intelligent citizens of this fine country to vote for them, and if you read the fine print they are just going to greatly reduce the numbers of American forces in Iraq and then expect them to do the same job they are doing now.
  8. That wasn't what I was saying at all if thats the impression you got, I was saying the opposite. McCain is also the only candidate who has a kid in iraq (or recently returned) as a lower enlisted infantryman. I doubt any other candidate wouldn't be pimping that out to the maximum amount possible, while most people have never heard about it.
  9. Well I don't really have a point, i just think its funny everywhere I look on the internet the exact same photos and similar text has popped up within the past month.....and of all the things china does in tibet that is widely known and being harped on right now, the focus is on cnn and other western news agencies mislabeling some photos? The notion that the dalai lama is some sort of CIA agent terrorist mastermind spreading death and destruction from his secret lair deep inside a volcanoe, and buddhists are really a ultra violent crazed cult bent on destroying the defenseless chinese govt, is also pretty funny. Anyway, keep on spreading the good word.
  10. I wanted to let you know I've been following your posts, and I appreciate your efforts for keeping me entertained. You are han chinese right? What generation? I bet you live in vancouver too.... You motherfuckers are like robots, every public forum I look at in the past month that has any vague mention of china, the olympics, and the tibet crackdown, you guys spam the board with the exact same text and the exact same images of cnn misidentifying nepalese policemen. Do you guys have secret meetings and shit to plan it all out? A secret handshake?
  11. And the only reason that the obligatory endorsements from the various fire and brimstone inbred redneck preachers is a news item is because a few weeks ago all of the conservatives, like rush limbaugh and ann coulter, were saying they would campaign for obama and clinton before they voted for mccain... they hate him because he has wrote legislation with a kennedy and other bipartisan activities (heavily frowned upon), has/used to have a realistic view on immigration, voted against the bush tax cuts (which he now says he supports), and was extremely critical of the handling of the war about a year ago (which is totally ignored today).
  12. His dad was an admiral who ran pacific command during the vietnam war.... anyway this is something the ultra far right crowd, the anti immigration (dey steel ar jobs!!) crowd, and various conspiracy theorists love to talk about (as well as saying that the adopted kid he has is really an illegitimate BLACK!!!! child.) In reality mccain deliberately refused early release because of who his father was, and waited his turn to go home just like everyone else there. The POWs who were with him, who survived, all deny any special treatment stories....the fact that he cant raise his arms because from being hung by his thumbs for hours during interrogation is another indicator. The fact that he would be the oldest american president ever upon inauguration, and that he is generally very stubborn and has a temper, are reasons that are apparently not sexy enough to question his viability for the presidency.
  13. Isnt this the guy that wrote an oped recently saying that all the talk about civil war/genocide etc inside iraq being inevitable with a rapid US pull out is hogwash....and we shouldn't worry about repercussions of an american withdrawal from iraq anyway, because iraq's neighbors (such as egypt and algeria), and other middle eastern armies renowned for their soft touch and emphasis on human rights, will surely deploy their conventional forces into iraq as "peacekeepers" and then do what we want them to instead of going block to block killing everyone who is in the wrong sect.......and they will automatically be successful because all the brown people are the same, and the Algerian army won't be a "foreign occupation force." He also calls for a long term US military presence, for various purposes, something all the main presidential candidates share but go about discussing in different ways.
  14. Hearing bursts on the radio or your celly? A CCTV van parked on your street? A mysterious claymore in the headrest of your car that you don't remember putting there? If so, then you too may be making commemorative Olympic themed happymeal toys in a slave labor camp at some point in the near future!
  15. Actually yes, the surge has been going pretty well...it has done far better than what anyone expected, yet the people who pronounced it a failure 6 months before it started are either trying to make excuses for the success other than the surge, or just downplay and deny...... its also extremely fragile and his "strategy" would kill it. But the media stopped reporting about iraq when the situation improved so americans don't find the topic important anymore, and obama can and has been taking advantage of their ignorance on the situation in iraq.
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