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Ira Sanky

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  1. down to trade http://photos.fotango.com/p/eba00418672f00000041.jpg'> http://photos.fotango.com/p/eba00418672f00000042.jpg'> http://photos.fotango.com/p/eba00418672f00000043.jpg'> http://photos.fotango.com/p/eba00418672f00000001.jpg'> http://photos.fotango.com/p/eba00418672f00000023.jpg'> http://photos.fotango.com/p/eba00418672f00000025.jpg'> http://photos.fotango.com/p/eba00418672f00000026.jpg'> http://photos.fotango.com/p/eba00418672f00000027.jpg'> just a few
  2. hecz/seeking on the whole hecz/seeking topic, a stack of dope blackbooks dosn't stack up to even one dope, clean, running freight. Ansiq has put in work in big cities across the country, hecz has put in work too, but only in a bunch of books in the safety of his own home.
  3. new shit me and my boy odist. http://photos.fotango.com/p/eba00418672f00000023.jpg'> http://photos.fotango.com/p/eba00418672f00000026.jpg'> http://photos.fotango.com/p/eba00418672f00000027.jpg'> http://photos.fotango.com/p/eba00418672f00000031.jpg'> http://photos.fotango.com/p/eba00418672f00000033.jpg'> http://photos.fotango.com/p/eba00418672f00000034.jpg'> http://photos.fotango.com/p/eba00418672f00000035.jpg'> http://photos.fotango.com/p/eba00418672f00000038.jpg'> as always, advice or shit talking is welcome. that's it for now. AWC/WMD
  4. acidica post some simples. do you paint?
  5. advice, insults? http://photos.fotango.com/p/eba00418672f00000001.jpg'> http://photos.fotango.com/p/eba00418672f00000002.jpg'> http://photos.fotango.com/p/eba00418672f00000003.jpg'>
  6. is anyone else just seeing red x's??
  7. that last "enter" outline is really dope.....i love the R
  8. bisquick thanks y'all, here's a little bit more, i'll post newer stuff soon. http://photos.fotango.com/p/eba00408446f00000009.jpg'> i didn't leave myself enough room to finish the Q on this one. http://photos.fotango.com/p/eba00408446f00000041.jpg'> this one's not quite done, i messed up on the AW http://photos.fotango.com/p/eba00408446f00000042.jpg'> http://photos.fotango.com/p/eba00408446f00000043.jpg'> if you have any advice, please give it.
  9. tell me i suck and talk shit to me just starting out. any feedback/advice?.....besides quitting? http://photos.fotango.com/p/eba00408446f00000004.jpg'> http://photos.fotango.com/p/eba00408446f00000005.jpg'> http://photos.fotango.com/p/eba00408446f00000007.jpg'> i know the characters are whack..
  10. that fosik/rot gut sign is sooooooo dope. does anyone know what city most of the fosik signs are in? det?
  11. i've actually never heard of slyde, but i'm about to try and find some flicks of his. i'll openly admitt i bite a little here and there, mostly concepts for styles not actual letters, most beginers do. but i've never bit off slyde.
  12. i dunno if this should go in paperchase but whatever... http://photos.fotango.com/p/eba00408446f00000028.jpg'> bisq sticker, mekan tag, random stencil http://photos.fotango.com/p/eba00408446f00000002.jpg'> http://photos.fotango.com/p/eba00408446f00000012.jpg'> koen rv, sobr, sobr stickers thats it for now AWC:D :D :D
  13. suck my toy thanks, heres more. http://photos.fotango.com/p/eba00408446f00000006.jpg'> 'Cire' by odist http://photos.fotango.com/p/eba00408446f00000017.jpg'> Bisq and Odist mailbox http://photos.fotango.com/p/eba00408446f00000018.jpg'> Odist hiding behind blackbook http://photos.fotango.com/p/eba00408446f00000019.jpg'> more odist http://photos.fotango.com/p/eba00408446f00000003.jpg'> efrim shit
  14. sorry the picture quality is poor these are pieces by Ann Arbor based stencilist "Please". all are spraypaint on canvas. 24x36 15x30 15x30 20x16 36x36
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