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not much of my buisness really, but that dont really seem like the rest of the worlds buisness either.

seems like a question you should take to the pms.



Finally some common sense. ^^^


However it looks like those flicks were maybe painted on a house or garage. If so maybe that's probably not in your best intrest to paint. Paint whatever you want but if so you are just asking for unwanted/unneeded attention.

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this is a thread for indianapolis graffiti not for self advertising fucks like you and I know your a bitch cause you write with bitches like that SEC dude who has no respect and thinks getting up is crossin people out....you guys are both hella un-original and cool keep loading up all your pics on your myspace and posting up when and where your going to paint cause douchers like you deserve to be caught and its only a matter of time......so get your made up ego out of bombing and exchange it for some common sense dude it'll help you out in the long run.....thank me later


P.S just got my car and gonna be posting up pics super dooper soon

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this is a thread for indianapolis graffiti not for self advertising fucks like you and I know your a bitch cause you write with bitches like that SEC dude who has no respect and thinks getting up is crossin people out....you guys are both hella un-original and cool keep loading up all your pics on your myspace and posting up when and where your going to paint cause douchers like you deserve to be caught and its only a matter of time......so get your made up ego out of bombing and exchange it for some common sense dude it'll help you out in the long run.....thank me later


P.S just got my car and gonna be posting up pics super dooper soon


first of all, idk what i did to piss you off, i have never disrespected any writer, maybe thats why i have gone out painting with SEC once or twice, i know he side bumped some of the wrong guys and crossed out some ppl but i dont care, sometimes i like to go painting with ppl. some of you guys are super sensative on here, ooooooooh i put a link to my myspace up thats something to get shitty about... Ethugs = Bitches who live in there parents basement.

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