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I lived in Edmonton like ten years ago. I used to get up under a couple names (Adik, Lewis). Great city to paint in. Had a strong history of dope/prolific writers, for the size of the place. They sparked a scene, and then either moved, fell off, or just started doing their own thing. Because of that, i assume its hard to find a lot of quality work around the city to get motivation from, writers to look up to and learn from, and many of these new guys are turning to the internet to get their fill. This might be why a lot of people are being called out on bites.

Broke has been putting in work for a VERY long time. Guy never really slowed down. He has an attitude and will tell you what for, real quick like, and he backs it up through bombing.

Some things haven't changed, like every Edmonton thread that has ever been started. hahaha.

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rast bomb is weak

made that straight letter look like shit


maybe thats because he finally stopped biting relys throw, which he could never execute properly, yet decided to put up everywhere around the city like it was his own.


dudes a clown.

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maybe thats because he finally stopped biting relys throw, which he could never execute properly, yet decided to put up everywhere around the city like it was his own.


dudes a clown.


Who are you dick riding you pussies? Leave a name or continue to be an anonymous mark who sits in their room hating on mother fuckers that paint. Now excuse while i do a shit tag on your mothers chest.

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believe me faggot, you dont want it.

dont open your mouth about something you have no clue about.


what i said was 100% fact get over it.


or what, do i need to paint three pieces on the same legal wall to have my opinion mean something?

who's the mark now, little bitch?


do your homework before you get clowned, dickrider.

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maybe thats because he finally stopped biting relys throw, which he could never execute properly, yet decided to put up everywhere around the city like it was his own.


dudes a clown.[/

I dont want it? I dont give a fuck who you are FAGGOT. Your words are as hollow as the crack pipe you smoke from.

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i have personally snuffed out a writer above, and not two minutes later dude was buying me a pitcher of beer and saying he didnt want it.


my homey choked out a different writer above, and dude ran away, having a little tantrum.


you kids have heart? i dont think so.

and i have more class than to air dirty laundry over the internet, i left names out of this.


bottom line, the writers on this page are either biters, snakes, pussies, or talentless.


this really has nothing to do with graffiti, and more to do with yall being disrespectful, no-moral having bitches.


so get off my dick faggot.

you neither scare me, nor impress me with your wackass graffiti.

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im pretty sure i let my actions speak, now youre backpedalling.

no one wants to hear from "these writers who fell off ten years ago", yet its all gravy for you kids to bite styles and hope no one notices?

fuck outta here.


the truth hurts dont it, playboy?


ill catch yall at the bus terminals, bumass faggots.

or that legal wall you kids frequent so much, you know the one that only a few crackhead indians see on a daily basis when theyre not huffing lysol?

or maybe at the summer hiphop jam, where you kids paint 4X8 pieces of plywood and listen to the latest backpack rap.


yea kid, keep letting your actions speak.

youre doin a hell of a job.

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Bahahaha. I aint even gonna start. I'll let actions speak because who wants to hear a couple writers who fell the fuck off 10years ago babble on right?


Wait, are you talking about me? Honestly? I never said a thing about you. I hope you didn't just take a shot at me, homeboy. I never fell off, i don't live there. you talk about writers hiding behind phony user names (much like your self) but your taking shots at writers that don't even live there? Dude, if your taking a shot at me, tell me what you write... Or re-read my posts and clear up the confusion. You know what i write.

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Wait, are you talking about me? Honestly? I never said a thing about you. I hope you didn't just take a shot at me, homeboy. I never fell off, i don't live there. you talk about writers hiding behind phony user names (much like your self) but your taking shots at writers that don't even live there? Dude, if your taking a shot at me, tell me what you write... Or re-read my posts and clear up the confusion. You know what i write.


shit got quiet as a white church sermon.

motherfuckers dont want it.


these kids have no clue what the fuck respect is.

maybe thats why curly got went over.


niggys cant handle the realness.





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