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BSK by Terms BSK FS STV WH MOC TV 7up h2o Kvee TVC BSK 7up FS STV



BSK by Terms and Kvee


MOC by BSK and DAM crew Terms Dak Kvee Furious




Jask BSK



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did you really have to hit us with the double dose on that old school shit...no one cares at this point.


some of us appricate how graffitti was back in them days shit was popping ,now a days pretty much everyone has lost the concept how graff should look ....... so lets them flicks keep on coming!!!!!!!

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most graff history is lost in the youth unfornatly with the popularity of graff and the internet the ability to improve on stlye has dissappeared now any to bit writer can post there shit and think they have skills cause they been copying shift from other writers watching painting techniques from videos they use all these euro colors and special tips but your letter flows look like shit.. you have NO STYLE!! your shit is garbage its not miami graff


we can rock a production with scraps of rusto krylon and dollar paint and stock tips and u wouldnt be able to touch us by US im meaning the real graff heads of Miami ..dont get me wrong i think the tips and new paints are nice but just cause u have them dont mean u can actually piece..


crews that still know how to rock shit properly




I even give credit to alot of the new jacks who are trying real hard I do think u have alot to learn before u start posting shit but that aint the point now u have other crews who have mastered the euro fills lots of color nice background shitty letters


your into graff your supposed to be either A a bomber / tagger B a bomber ( simple letters) or C a letter engineer which is a piecer and some of u guys lack that part of your game ugly ass letters and u call that graff thats having no pride in your craft you all like the art part of graff so much and brag about art shows go ahead do ur thing show off the decades of work you have produced...


but hey I appreciate all graff from my friends to enemies shit give credit where credit is due and since the majority of the pics I posted are from the late 80's early 90s im sure u havent seen all those pics cause some of those have never seen the light of day .. ;)

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X2 ,IN WINE 149s words just becuz u can do a pretty background doesnt make u a graffiti artist ....graffiti is about letters then u worry about the artsy shit behind your piece ...... u dig .................................................................

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most graff history is lost in the youth unfornatly with the popularity of graff and the internet the ability to improve on stlye has dissappeared now any to bit writer can post there shit and think they have skills cause they been copying shift from other writers watching painting techniques from videos they use all these euro colors and special tips but your letter flows look like shit.. you have NO STYLE!! your shit is garbage its not miami graff


you sayin SKAPE's work is garbage?

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who the hell is skape?



ok his letters need more work but hes not bad over all


im not saying everyone has to know wild style.. but if u call buffing a wall throwing up half ass letters and doing a nice fill a burner then your completely wrong ...


the kid looks like he has mad potential but he still needs to work on his lettering....I tell cats in my own crue there shit looks like garbage they need to work on it.... but hey if ur doing trains thats a complely different style of graff letters should be easier to read doing a complex peice on a train is plain stupidity may look good but its still dumb...


I give credit to alot of people and crews more than half I dont even like but I dont hate on anyone im honest if you dont like honesty then so be it we can meet here at pork n beans and run one :D


oh for the record my previous post was speaking in general to everyone ... people used to get schooled and menotered then joined a crew or a sub crew now everyone makes there own little piece o shit crew and think they bout it old niggas love to teach newer niggas how to write bomb draw whatever you get better as the years go by not straight out the gate...

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The mentoring process is lost, egos are too big now for writers to actually be schooled by those that have been painting longer than the new guys have been alive. I think there are some really fresh new writers in Miami, but there are just as many kids whose egos are keeping them whack.


I like the TE events, they're bringing allot of the old crews back. Is there any word on the 2010 date?

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the mentoring process isnt lost..but its def not as abundant as it may have used to be. i can agree too many people in this game have ego's right out the bat n people dont know how to handle constructive critsism. but granted it all depends on how you come at the person...just goin up to someone and sayin "your shits whack" is beef..you cant approach people like that without expecting someone to go into a defensive mode. im def the new generation of writers..and it took me a good 2-3 years before i even met anyone that could help me progress in the game, and one of the main things ive learned that more people need to do is stay humble. everyone has something to teach, whether good or bad. but skapes work is official..there will always be someone hating no matter how dope you are. i watch people in NY talk shit about RIME who IMO is one of the best writers in the game..so with that in mind its hard to take people too seriously.

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the mentoring process isnt lost..but its def not as abundant as it may have used to be. i can agree too many people in this game have ego's right out the bat n people dont know how to handle constructive critsism. but granted it all depends on how you come at the person...just goin up to someone and sayin "your shits whack" is beef..you cant approach people like that without expecting someone to go into a defensive mode. im def the new generation of writers..and it took me a good 2-3 years before i even met anyone that could help me progress in the game, and one of the main things ive learned that more people need to do is stay humble. everyone has something to teach, whether good or bad. but skapes work is official..there will always be someone hating no matter how dope you are. i watch people in NY talk shit about RIME who IMO is one of the best writers in the game..so with that in mind its hard to take people too seriously.



theres one thing u said that i got to disagree on , skape has potential ,but i dont think he is official, ive seen his work in person and with a lil guide, he will understand where his flaws are ......

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Oh this started something I've been thinking on for a minute.

Kinda difficult to prolong the discussion without offending people lately.

The mentoring process, from my point of view, has definitely been lost.

The first two writers i met in person were Freek and Kvee.....two very opposite aspects of graff writers in Miami.

One was open and the the other was staring at me in disgust like i was a style parasite and should be killed with bug spray. I had never pieced so his attitude was lost on me.


Even if mentoring was abundant, it would still be cancelled out with all the hating and negativity that flies outa peoples mouths.

Point being, I give respect to ANY nigga that rocks some fresh shit or something i havent thought of or been able to do. Even people who just put in straight work, like Stab.

It's all a bandwagon though so we all stick to bumping only crews and rejecting outsiders.

We all from Miami. I think Miami is the dopest.

So I dont see the problem.


Bump everyone in Miami. As easy as that. Besides its only cause of James and Karla we on the map. Took some outsiders to expose us internationally.

We shoulda been doing that.........

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Let's move on though. Enough about Skape and such.......







Some few years past shit.....

To me, even flaws are part of style. As long as the creator is happy with what he does.

God is official, yet he made some fucked up ass things like us humans.

Call it godstyle.....

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X2 ,IN WINE 149s words just becuz u can do a pretty background doesnt make u a graffiti artist ....graffiti is about letters then u worry about the artsy shit behind your piece ...... u dig .................................................................



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flaws are part of style but being able to except critisisim is also a part of learning ..

its a persons personality thats hurts or makes them better well take 2 bombers cause its easier

Stab and blast

Stab doesnt boast just does his thing

Blast is an internet whore who has potential but runs his mouth too much

so even though stabs stuff is not as good we are quicker to dis blast ... anyways


i like the old days just kicking busting outblack books doing scketeches for other cats

going to the pennenat seeing inkheads and Free agents on one side dam crew on another BSK and them on another side the STVS painting everyone just talking ... ..

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thats another thing none of thenew cats do research on tags and check if some 1 is writing it or if its taken already , they just say fuck it this is what im gonna write and thats final, like for example i was at a certain penet like a month ago rocking some shit and when i was done i walked by a cat that painting in there as well ,and i was like what the fuck !!! so i asked him yo homie u know theres another REAR FROM RB ,bro the dudes answer to me was that he hasnt seen rear up no more so thats y he decided to write it,i started laughing , walked away saying let see how far u make in this scene kid!!!!

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