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Where do I start? Most of this will probably fall on deaf ears... But, it's not for your anyhow. My girl hasn't seen me shed a tear (let alone cry like an infant) in the four years we've been together but tonight weeks(?) after the fact, I found out one of my close friends passed away... Had she not gotten on 12oz tonight, it may have been months before I got the heart wrenching news...


I lost touch with Andrew about five years ago (maybe even longer?). Not out of love lost or even our own personal differences, but, circumstances caused it to be that way and in life both of us took different courses. I would still always brag to friends/acquaintances about the man that had more heart and drive than any of us. Andrew would always be the first to help us through a problem whether mental or physical and the last one to turn on us no matter what choice we made... A stand up guy,


From days back... Looking for school (skull) kids... "You got the paint on yo hands!"... Cell phone and cigarette defense mechanisms... Making pit stops for my beer or Bely's Moon Pies... Sheriffs helping us push his car out of tow zones... Late night Taco Bell and Jack in the Box excursions after long nights... Always willing to stop to catch one more tag... Dropping us off and standing guard to hang off bridges and climb fences, just so we could catch that "non-accessible spot"... falling back, letting the team catch wreck... So selfless.


I still have racks and paintings at my parents house from the "Scannerchineserestaurantapartmenthideout night"... you were always a step ahead. I never felt fear with you, your demeanor of calmness always blessed us with superhuman abilities. You forever had something to teach but, always had the need to learn more... We fed off of YOUR energy... Never could say no to Bloat picking me up at the odd AM hours, never had a choice... Adamant, persistent, dedicated... Devoted to family and friends and vice versa... Loyal.


So many memories that I've had with you... So many stories that will be passed on of you... So many tears shed for you and drinks poured for you... You made a strong impact on my life that i am forever grateful for... "Live humble, do you and don't sweat the petty shit!"... Until we meet again my brother...


All Saints Evolve


Eternal blessings - StokOne ASE.14K

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R.I.P. BLOAT. When I met bloat/biz, I was a young buck. The dude showed me nothin but love tho. I remember him being a soft spoken kinda fellow. I cant say much about him because I've only seen him a few times but he was always coo to me. Its unfortunate that our crews had beef. This is bigger than that bs tho. My condolences go out to his family and friends.




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Here it is kids, the truth revealed! Time to get rid of some of the great stories told by the "Internet mail gangstas" and their friends. Here's how it works... I list a statement that has made it's way through the grapevine, then I write down the TRUTH. Not what I heard, not my "fantasy" version of the story, no BS, the truth.


If you hear any good ones in the Hayward scene send em my way if you want to know what really went down. Biz Updated 12-02-03:


# Bely sends them kids e-mails all the time.

Actually they send ME e-mails now and then. Bely doesn't even have a computer anymore. The first e-mails they sent said basically that if I don't want any funk with them to just "throw them a peace sign." After I called out their stupidity they got pretty offended. I recently got a letter in the mail (stamped and sealed) that was written to Bely that said they were going to "catch us at a store or something." And they gave me some polaroid copies of a roller shot we did that they dissed. Thanks guys.


# Some kids almost got beat up by Bloat and his cousin recently.

Almost. Unfortunately they REFUSED to get out of the car for a 2-on-2 fight and started talking about how they needed to leave to get "the boys." Bloat's cousin ran up to the car, which prompted the scared kids to drive away and never come back. About 20 minutes later we got a call on the cell phone from one of the kids talking about how he didn't want any problems and it was just the other guy who did. When we repeatedly asked him to bring the other kid back to fight either one of us the question was avoided. A lesbian then got on the phone and told us her friends were going to "smash" on all of us. No contact has been made since.

# Bely and Bloat were jumped by rival gang members in their neighborhood and one of them was shot in the leg.

These are my favorite ones. I won't even answer it, I just want people to know what kind of junk circulates in this city.


# Swerv was going to shoot someone.

More than likely. Free Swrv!

# Stok was beat up or punked at his work.

No. They threw a glue stick towards him that landed near his feet while he was working in the back area, proceeded to run outside and then looked at him through the window, threw their hands up and took off.

# All members of ASE go through some sort of intensive training

Somewhat true. All members of ASE are required to be able to bench at least 200 pounds. Bely, Bloat & Yens are all pushing over 250 as of now. Bloat trained in the martial arts under Sensei Brewer and Sensei DeGuzman and has a small collection of trophies from his days of competition. He is also somewhat knowledgeable in professional boxing and has done his share of training and sparring. Bely keeps a lean but strong physique with his low-calorie diet and high-rep workout routine. He is currently practicing a one-day on one-day off workout routine. Yens is a monster. The guy lifts weights like a machine and beats his punching bag while holding 15 pound weights in each hand. Yens was also a top-level amateur wrestler in high school.

# ASE crew takes pictures of EVERYTHING they do.


# Task got beat up in a fair fight by the guy Bely beat up.

Well, I wasn't there but I heard the story from Task (who has no reason to lie) and the opposing team (who has a terrible track record) via e-mail. The idiot crew says Task got beat up and was bleeding all over the place (sound familiar?). Task says he was fending off 3 guys. Regardless, Bely seen Task THE SAME DAY of the fight and Task did not have ONE LITTLE SCRATCH. If Task didn't say anything, we would have no idea he was just in a fight with 3 people. I'll tell you what, If me and two of my friends ever jump 1 guy, and we don't leave a single mark on him, please shoot me.


First update, 07-27-03:


# "Some geek" rode Bely off Biz's driveway.

Not quite. He drove up two carloads deep with bats and caught us off guard as we were backing out of the driveway in my car. When some red headed kid ran out and busted out my back window with a bat, I drove down the street to the hood to pick up some Nortenos in order to make things a little more fair. Unfortunately, those guys were apparently satisfied with busting out my back window and didn't follow me into the hood and quickly disappeared for the rest of the night. How lucky!


# Bloat/Biz (believed to be the same person) is a snitch.

I wondered for so long where they got this from, but thanks to my buddy Dominick I finally found out. Apparently there's a paper floating around saying that two kids were arrested after throwing a rock into the side of my car. Somehow that paper is the SOLID PROOF that I'm a snitch. Amazing isn't it?


# "Some kid with a funny last name" was jumped 5 on 1.

Total lie. He had 8 people with him and we had five, including Task, who wasn't even there to fight. So technically we had 4, but whatever... He was the only one stupid enough to come outside and fight. Apparently he figured since he had us outnumbered that his friends would help him "win." Well guess what, his friends didn't do a damn thing and he got beat to a bloody and broken mess. He came up to Bloat and traded punch for punch, then went after Bely. While Bely and him were on the ground one of our guys kicked him 3 times and then let him and Bely go at it after his friends started talking about "let them fight one-on-one."

# "A guy who learned to play the trombone in Jr High School" choked Bely or Bloat, depending on which version of the distorted story you heard, until they screamed for help.

This is insane. First of all, he said he broke his hand on the first punch in the fight. And since he was seen with a cast on we'll go with that... Guess what though, there's no way he could have choked anyone with a broken hand! The only thing he did after landing the initial 2 punches was held on and tried to protect his ugly face while his buddies jumped around watched.

# "A guy with a lot of scars on his scalp" smashed on Task.

This idiot went into Task's work as he was at the cash register, sucker punched him in the neck and ran outside and left. We have it on video tape.

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Was that suppose to be a subliminal hit? 1. that shit is hella old, 2. none of those stories was about me. So it aint doin nothin. Im here tryin to pay respect homie. If you got somethin to say to me, say it straight up.

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Andrew will be missed by everyone that knew him, and although I had lost touch with him in the last few years, I can say with confidence that I would not be writing today if it wasn't for the influence of Bloat. From showing up at his house after work randomly and having him welcome me on bombing runs with Bely, to buying the first two cans of montana off of him to do my very first piece, he was always a major influence. He gave me advice on my first sketch I ever did, and was even willing to get down in a side crew I was putting together, which never really took off. Andrew was a pleasure to be around, and a truly class act. Andrew was even willing to help me paint a banner for my Senior class during downtown rally (Hayward cats know), coming through and showing love and respect to the youngsters. I'll never forget the Yoder voice, Haywardgraffiti.com, and the art he left behind.



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My condolence goes out to Bloats Family and friends...and to all of my ASE brothers keep your heads up...i really wish i got to meet bloat before he passed...he , bely , rgue, grite etc. and the whole haywardgraffiti.com site had such a big influence on my life and is the main reason why i became infatuated with the whole graffiti lifestyle...and now to be able to call these people my family and close friends is such an honor...i thank the whole crew for making me feel welcomed and showing me the ropes when it comes to graffiti and life in general..without you guys ide be lost...and im blessed to have you guys as family...even though i didnt know andrew personally..ive been thinking about his passing everyday since i found out..it kills me inside to know that a person with so much talent and who inspired me in so many ways is gone and i will never have a chance to meet him...hayward lost a hero...and for all the others in the crew that i still havent met..i hope we do meet in the near future...to everyone else keep your heads up and continue to hold it down.


One Love,


Amesso ASE

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