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Rest In Power... CRUDE OIL..

King Ku

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2009 what a horrible year. i miss u both so much still can't comprehend that you aren't a phone call away or down the road at 17. doesn't seem that long ago but its creeping up on us. i cant thank you enough but i hope you know how much it means to me all the reinforcement you gave me. u wanted everyone that you were friends with to be fresh always down to help out with letters, hands or art in general and always positive except for the other side only H8. but thats what made you you. you introduced me to a family i would never of had without you. i hope you and my dad are doing ok wherever you are. i love you both. maybe now he's not in pain and you can finally tattoo his tired wrists.


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i cant believe its almost been a whole year.... shit gets harder my nigga i miss you like crazy... all i keep thinking about is those years we had up in the J and how i wish we could go back to those days right now... rest in power my brother you will never be forgotten we holding you down out here the best we can....


wge wge wge

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I represent you everyday.you cant catch me with out and oil shirt.got you tatted on my back.look at ur picture evry morning. Cant beleive its almost been a year. i miss the greatest of all time..Havnt heard a good joke in a minute.I miss riding thru jacksonville having great conversations yelling and shit.MY NIGGER!miss that advice ,and that motivation-holler at me at my dreams -E

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you've been dead for a year......sometimes i feel like i have been to. aint gonna smile all day. you were one of the best friends i will ever have had. think about you every fucking day. i have been showing my enemies no mercy......you would be proud! miss you like crazy brother!

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It still doesnt feel like reality to me,i was driving down park and saw what i thought to be a "new" Oiler tag on a dumpster and almost crashed the whip nigga..........life aint the same without you bernie, no more ridiculous ragging on people. no more screaming laughter

,no more end to ends with you.................i miss you my nigga real bad....


watch over my girls bb,


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