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Fuck senior gay sexxx, Everyone should post what they want, this is Pittburgh, a good home to graffiti art, but lets hear seniorgaysexxx comments, fuckin washed up bitch..... <3 Pittsburgh graffiti



Fuck a god damn hater piece of worthless human life.........


hahaha. first off, youre from ohio. whats gayer than that? also you are hating on me to get your internet fame. thats what happens when kings attack. toys want to bite the style to prove their wile. Does it suck to know I own your day, and your not even a second thought to me?


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"when kings attack"

hahaha im still drunk from last night and i cant figure out if that was a joke or not

also, yopu said he wasent even a second thought, yet you edited your post... twice.... u can edit it once before it tellls everyone you edited it.....so homeboy isnt a "second thought" but perhaps a third or some kind of continual long lasting thought, im drunk at 10 am, and im not saying, im just saying.

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....i know we're are supposed to be e-beefing right now. But I can't believe you're STILL drunk from last night!?!?! That is crAAAAAAAAAzy! You guys wyle out super hard! Holy shit. How much did you drink? Don't tell me you more than 2 cans of Four Lokos! You guys are insAAAAAAAAAAAAANNNNNEEEee! Geez Loise! If you smoked pot i'm gonna loose it!! Holy wow time! Did you do shots too???? You guys are serious. You should change your name from "Peter Griffin" to "I Can Drink A Ton"!!!! HA. Cause you can get it? Or maybe "Peter Drinkin". You guys are nuts.

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u arent that smart, and thats okay, you arent very good at graffiti, and thats okay too.

just shut the fuck up dont say shit about other people, call them names, or make audacious threats of physical harm and no one will make fun of you. no one is "e beefing", we are simply laughing at you. its okay, sometimes in life,in graffiti, and sadly... on the internet u take one on the chin. lord knows i have, like i said before, i promise, its okay. now shut up and move on. learn from your own stupidity and consider that wisdom a blessing. also shut the fuck up.thanks.



unless u actually write nice, or use to, your opinions dont matter


your options are flicks or tits.

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Dude. I just totally made fun of you...and you didn't get it?!?! C'mon man. My post was way funnier than yours so yes you probably are laughing at me. the boogie board line was aight. but the rest of your post was weak. also your friend from ohio wants to "smash my face in so my mommy wont know me"...or some shit. which is not consistent with your rules of not threatening harm. and finally it's not boogie boarding. it's the lazy river and that shit is mad relaxing so step offf!

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