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i can see that.. last time i did shrooms was with a group of people including my best friend... he went crazy thinking the world was ending and he and one of the girls there were the new adam and eve... kept trying to get on this girl... a bunch of people were holding him back and he started fighting them... luckily no one ever picked up anything to use as a weapon... just a lot of punching and tackling... eventually he chilled... i laid down on this couch exhausted and started having like a terrible second wave trip... haven't done shrooms since then lol... did have a lot of awesome trips before that tho

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never even saw the 2 on the hollywood sign,the original sign read hollywoodville i thik,mayby it was left over from that shit


and i did shrooms at a rave inside the brooklyn bridge and blacked out and woke up in an ambulance,but after all that i woke up on a lawn in NJ with an old asian lady playing the flute and she gave me a bowl of rice,or i stole her bowl of rice mayby

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Ghost: I had an idea to do these handball courts in Queens. There were five handball courts and I wanted to do one letter on each. When I spoke to Sane he said he had the same idea but he wanted to do it in this parking lot along the 7 train in Queens (now this place is the legal wall spot called 5 Pointz) which was basically a whore spot at night. I was down to do it but we just needed to get paint. Time slipped by and we forgot about it. One day I was walking up Greenpoint Avenue and I came across a hardware store that was throwing away buckets of house paint. I ran to the phone and called the Smith brothers. We waited until night and returned to get all the paint. Already there were dudes there dumpster diving. Smith and I proceeded to grab what we could carry and walk six blocks to the nearest train station were we would walk through the gate without paying and then hide the paint at the end of the platform on the train tracks. We made this trip at least three times and grabbed about thirty buckets. We kept laughing because every time we entered the train station the token booth clerk looked at us like we were nuts. Smith eventually got the buckets to his house somehow. Smith and I set up a day on the weekend to paint it. I remember being home right before taking bong hits and then met him at midnight. We didn’t have a ladder and we really didn’t need one because we used long poles to fill in. It ended up taking all night to fill it in and do the designs. Sane, came instead to finish the job. We used garbage cans and a ladder we found to help in outlining the pieces. A writer named Seus RTD showed up and he went to find a ladder for us. He hung out with us the rest of the night. I was so tired from dragging the ladder back and forth that I ended up outlining it from right to left which is why my piece looked the way it did. Sane ended up doing a small piece in the corner next to Smith’s to show that he was down too. At the time I believe this was the largest illegal piece in the city.



SMITH is the fucking ultimate

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fucking pigs




police stated multiple times that he was running from them.

(which had to be retraced due to evidence proving other wise)

then an camera showed him casually walked in his door

then police with guns drawn kick in the door to kill him




when will they learn the war on drugs is fucking stupid,

another innocent life lost at the hands of NYPD.

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