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ehhhhhh, New York. Things have been lookin' the same here for over 10 years now. Always check the thread thinkin' there'll be something impressive. Not hatin', just sayin.... ya cats ain't have it for a while now. LA saw, they took, they kept.


thats implying half of the shit in LA doesnt look exactly alike and hasnt progressed since the early to mid 90s. i have boys that live in LA and they even say that shits whack now. dont like NY graff? stay out of this thread. dont live in NY? stay the fuck out of this thread. never lived in NY? say the fuck out of this thread. and fyi, being a twat then saying no disrespect then showing disrespect doesnt cancel it out.


graff is a big part of almost every person in this threads life, especially NY. ive lived in NY all my life and will always live here. seeing a gem from a great writer from past or present brings me a great feeling. you dont know the feeling, so shut the fuck up. go back to your cali thread and masturbate to msk. no one here goes into LA threads showing ignorant disrespect, keep it the same way herb

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all shit talking aside, we all fuck the same hipster bitches, some ugly, some not, its really hard to tell, and whats the difference really? bitches aint shit, almost all of us are rockin a rag and ruining our nice gear, running and sweatin, hustlin to the next whatever, bump us. fuck bitches fuck police. [some] graffiti aritsts are fuckin brilliant, lastt few pages lookin real nice, bump the past the present, the future and all my dooooz with paint on their hands and shoes

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all of us owe IH a beer at the bar or somethin, this dude should drink for free in the boros, not posting but DONATING gems to all us ungrateful assholes for years, thanks IH. id also liek to thank all those old wrinkled dudes that did straits and simples on roofs and gates, giving us good spots to do our shitt bubble fills, nicely primed, thanks old man. trust your work is probably better than anything that will be applied right over it. aight im drunk peace

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