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I'm jumpin into the Ykk and Xtc convo to 2nd a fact. Both Ykk and Xtc has piecers. And I don't know if this counts for anything but, just because ppl don't do "wildstyle" doesn't mean they don't piece. Simple and str8 letters are a form of piecin. In my opinion. A lot of pieces in the 70's and 80's were simple.

u guys r funny sayin XTC,YKK dudes don't piece....u ever heard of DG?? NOAH?? STAK?? I don't think SPOT is the truth, but the ones I named will burn any BS dudes I can think of....it seems people love to hate on XTC n whoever is affiliated...instead of hatin the best, why don't u make an attempt to be the best????

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u guys r funny sayin XTC,YKK dudes don't piece....u ever heard of DG?? NOAH?? STAK?? I don't think SPOT is the truth, but the ones I named will burn any BS dudes I can think of....it seems people love to hate on XTC n whoever is affiliated...instead of hatin the best, why don't u make an attempt to be the best????


My man read all the comments no ones hating on XTC or YKK. In fact we gave them credit as well. Just attempting to enlighten those that don't know. Yes people in BS can do pieces but most choose not to cuz its not what there about.

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u guys r funny sayin XTC,YKK dudes don't piece....u ever heard of DG?? NOAH?? STAK?? I don't think SPOT is the truth, but the ones I named will burn any BS dudes I can think of....it seems people love to hate on XTC n whoever is affiliated...instead of hatin the best, why don't u make an attempt to be the best????


See ya missed the point of the convo... and i wont get into it all over again.


But your comment of "hating the best" is straight obscene, and retarted.

XTC/YKK Are not known for piecing and are FARRRRRR from the best.

..... Same way BS is not ..

Majority of both crews are bombers. And are KNOWN for bombing.

But as Q718 pointed out also, IT dont mean people cant piece, it is jus what we tended to lean toward.



And this arguement is repetitive, cuz like the point i made earlier....

If a nikka pieces and dont bomb, hes wack ... if a nikka bombs and dont piece hes wack .

If a nikka does both and does legal walls ... hes a sell out.

If a nikka goes legit with it, to make money.... hes commercial..


And the 3 piecers u mentioned, i gaurentee will not jus "burn" BS nikkas. Cuz if thats the case, ill jus throw Ques Hektic Teck Myself Kelt Dier in there.... and we can call it a day.

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huh ??? its a pic homie, stop having a guilty conscience...

or maybe ya thought i was saying .... something like .. "blow it out ya ass ? "

nah, I thought the truth hurt or somethin!! Im not tryin to diss either crew, but from a nuetral corner, i think the guys i named would do A O K...not to mention DUEL, Cope etc. etc... i kno people from BS, and im SURE they would agree...i dont kno who u are, as u don't kno who i am, but most of the people u named do aiiiite straight letters, not so sure they would win the piecing battle!! QUES is nice with pieces, but maybe im from diff generation!!! i knew MI(D.B.I) n he would probly agree with me...it's a forum n opinions are like assholes, everybody got em.....peace

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