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I almost missed this whole discussion, till someone clued me in.


All of the main members of 718 are both TFK and BS, so yes they're affiliated. As for GTP I'm pretty sure no one in 718 is GTP and vice versa. Although we are we're cool with each other and X is good people. For those of you that missed it Teck really started out as a piecer. He had DMS pits sewn up with blockbuster pieces in the early 90's. Both Teck and Bruz used to get it in with the simples and stompers. AKS was crushing panels, stations, trucks, roofs and streets with readables and simples. The Skillman chapter of BS also did it thing in the same regard. Kelts straight letters were so krispy clean they looked like stickers. Tease, Derek and Tabz held the 7 line down after Nato fell off. I've not only seen flicks of pieces by all the members but painted pieces with them. I'm not saying that anyone on this list is Dondi or Ces or anything but just because you don't see people doing certain things doesn't mean they can't. Whore-a I know you got flicks of the shit that was inside of 5PTZ with everyone I mentioned above on it. Post that shit up. Or the wall from outside the YMCA on 33. Or Cane/ Rage's wall from Newtown rd. I have the flicks some where on a hard drive. I can't speak to the piecing skill of some of the newer BS or YKK heads cuz I not familiar with them or their work. All of the above could also apply to XTC and YKK. Almost all of AOK is XTC. Ghost is XTC game over, they got piecers.


Like I said before just because people don't care to do something doesn't mean they can't. Some people can't be bothered to spend all day on a legal wall. They'd much rather blam out a wall with 20 fills and be out. To eachs own I guess


Thank you Q.. i wanted to get into the convo and descrbe it just as you did, but couldnt be bothered

I gota search for the inside of 5pts pics, ya right i forgot all about that shit, and the YMCA wall also. That was my first Legal i ever did.

Imma check for them... this week and try to get em up here.

Im sure those involved in this educated debate (those that are educated atleast to some extent) appreciate ya 2 cents, and basic facts !..

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* Year 1975

* Photographer Stanley Forman

Caption A mother and her daughter are hurled off a collapsing fire-escape in an apartment house fire. Together with a fire-fighter, they waited for the rescue ladder to reach them. As the fire-fighter climbed onto the ladder, the fire-escape collapsed under their feet and they fell to the ground five floors below. The woman was killed but the child survived, her fall cushioned by the woman's body.

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