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get the fuck over it if my nikka fib wanna write fib he can its a different style and he going hard with it hop off his dick mr.manhattan every1 still dont know who u are and ur still pussy u really need to stop talking shit ur making an ass of urself honestly


i know who he is. bump **** he do work. lil niggas is snails in a turtle race young gerber babies. born in 93 94 type shit lol

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Is this dude really writing Fib!? lol. I mean I know its tough to be creative nowadays because so many names have been takin and its hard to be original but C'MON Son. Graffiti's more than just coming up with a name off the top of your dome and putting it on the walls. Know your history kids, do your homework...show some respect, put that name up on the rafters, let that name lie in infamy. Other names kids shouldn't use are Duro, Blade, JAone, Smith, Sane, Bruz, Cycle, Fray, etc etc. so many more....but I know it's just a matter of time before we start seein Dondi and Veone and Oro on store gates and mailboxes...and when you tell these kids, don't write that shit, that names already taken, there gonna say, "Fuck you man. my nigga Dondi is nice with it, if he wasn't he wouldn't be down with ABC, XYZ, 123...." you can't talk to these kids, they don't wanna listen. We need to unbuckle our belts and smack the shit out of these little niggas, I'm tellin ya.

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i write sime..


actually... you don't..... you entertained the idea and just had a change of heart without even knowing it.........19years youngin.......... your only a day in the game and it ain't too late to keep yaself outa trouble.........:scrambled:

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